Questions & Answers

  1. Why do I get headache whenever I read something on a moving vehicle, while others don't?
  2. why wont my new puppy get the point of going outside?
  3. what kind of college degree can a person get with video editing?
  4. Do you find cake levelers useful?
  5. What are some ideas for a Virgo Symbol tattoo?
  6. Why do i only have a period once evry 2-3 years?
  7. who enjoys watching avatar. the last air bender.(cartoon one)?
  8. Is final fantasy the best game ever?
  9. What do you think about parents limiting their kids music choices (ages 12-15)?
  10. When you get expelled from school, is it just for that year, or is it that you can't ever go to that school again ?
  11. Where can I take some online history classes?
  12. Can you develop schizophrenia from smoking marijuana/meth?
  13. Is it possible for a teen/young adult to suffer of a stroke?
  14. Why are we printing more and more money causing inflation, and deflating the value of the dollar?
  15. Why in the USA, if we are know as mainly surviving on service, then why are we outsourcing service?
  16. is being a hair cutter hard?
  17. How high should the distance be when hanging a photograph on top of a fireplace?
  18. Does anyone know where I could possibly find the Product Key that came with my netbook or laptop IN the laptop somewhere?
  19. When a body part is severed from the body, how long do surgeons have to sew it back on if they can?
  20. What do you think of the Dalai Lama?
  21. How much is an appropriate amount to spend on a child's birthday present when you've been invited to their birthday?
  22. How long does it usually take to receive something you order from amazon?
  23. Is America is Turning Into One Gigantic Hellhole?
  24. What would you do if a total stranger disciplined your child?
  25. Which is the fastest DVD Ripper?
  26. can u get abdominal stretch marks without being pregnant?
  27. What do you think of a chess park in NY that will only let adults in the park with children, if you are not in the park with your kid, you will get fined?
  28. what are dental implants?
  29. How many hours you need to learn guitar to perfection?
  30. What do you think of companies like Google paying 2.4% tax while the small business owner pays 40% or more?
  31. Does anyone know what size gun Claire's uses for ear piecring?
  32. Do you feel that the leader should follow with the consent of the majority or should lead on what he/she feels best?
  33. How do you buy books on the nook ebook?
  34. Is there any instrument for soil testing used for gardening?
  35. how much do cigarettes cost in puerto rico?
  36. What is the worst case of bullying you have ever seen personally?
  37. Why is it so wierd to sleep with a pillow between your legs?
  38. What do you think about parents who let their children act wild on public transportation?
  39. What disadvantages do home schooled students have when compared to students in school?
  40. how can i get up in the mornings when the alarm clock method just does'nt work for me???
  41. What kind of solution is blood to the red blood cell?
  42. how do u block a person number free on net 10 min phone celler?
  43. How do you get pine sap out if yarn mittens?
  44. How does the site selected suggested members?
  45. What do newly hatched red clawed crabs eat?
  46. What is the easiest way to quit a job where your employed by a family member?
  47. when a kid pees the bed his room smells like pee whats the best way to get rid of the smell?
  48. What are the ansestors of the Pterodactyl?
  49. Do you play games, or go on any websites where you can win cash or prizes?
  50. who has ever heard the song "secret" from adam sandler's album "Shh don't tell" ?
  51. who knows how to find military records online?
  52. How does a corset peircing effect your posture and flexibility as I would like it done but am a gymnast ?
  53. What do you think of John Tyner getting sued by TSA for refusing to be searched at the airport?
  54. What will clean crayon off of walls and mirrors?
  55. Who had watched 'Wicked' in the theatres???
  56. What is Revelotions?
  57. Why do some Christians get so upset/offended by a children's nativity scene?
  58. how big do u think the world is and what do you think happens when we all die?
  59. Do we have to be extra careful when others are scared of a particular subject?
  60. where can I download cd drive for acer aspire 5720-4126 for free?
  61. is romeo and juliet based on a true story?
  62. Why do people say "Anything's possible" or "Nothing's impossible" when it's not true?
  63. are we aloud to talk like about christain stuff in home school?
  64. How well do you care about your pets?
  65. do you know why they are not allowed to sell knives in scotland anymore ???
  66. how do i send pictures to my T-mobil pay -as-you-go cell phone?
  67. Is it okay to not have virus protection (Avast, AVG, etc...), so long as you only visit safe sites?
  68. Whats the best way to clean candle wax off of counter tops and from the inside of pots?
  69. Do you prefer hockey or football?
  70. What's might be the best age for kids to start operating computer?
  71. Does anyone know how long it would take to learn a second language for the average person, and what is the difficulty level?
  72. What is the best website out there on the internet to find a entry level job?
  73. Is financial planning necessary for teenagers?
  74. Why do i feel uneasy about calling for a job?
  75. why does my knee make a wierd ripping noise when i standup?
  76. Can the medication prednisone cause insomnia? I
  77. What is your definition of the word "ACCEPTANCE"?
  78. Does anyone have some links to some sad poems?
  79. What is so much special about SUV cars?
  80. What's your favorite dessert?
  81. How important is college directly after high school?
  82. What are the best fruits for you?
  83. how to be cooler in school?
  84. whats a good online short story contest I can submit mine to?
  85. When cashing ur points in do u use ur username to have a checked mailed or do you use your real name when filling out the form?
  86. what's so special about the beatles being on iTunes?
  87. Does anyone know where I can watch Kim Kardashian's sex tape?!
  88. Do painkillers thin your blood enough to affect the outcome of a tattoo?
  89. Is ID Idaho?
  90. what is a campaign speech?
  91. Is there any console which the game is downloadable and its small size like Nintendo 64?
  92. What song or video makes you close to tears or makes you sob uncontrollably?
  93. Can you use the bump app to transfer videos?
  94. Which leader did the most to lead Athens to democracy and why?
  95. Is Gandalf better or is Dumbledore?
  96. What is the costliest car running in the world?
  97. Does anyone know the name of the song in that Henkel comercial?
  98. Who thinks that if your dad starts to get violent and try and hurt you it's alright to call the police?
  99. Where can I get a free car airbag?
  100. When is episode 11 of Vampire diaries comeing out?