Questions & Answers

  1. how many grams in a banana?
  2. Can I become an advisor?
  3. What's the best program for downloading music?
  4. Should I tell him all of my past issues?
  5. Are there any new habbo hotels?
  6. What makeup will make me look better with my hair up?
  7. Is he tired of me?
  8. How to retrieve a deleted file?
  9. how do I figure out what I should do for the rest of my life
  10. Do guys like it when girls shave their pubic hair?
  11. Should I tell my crush that I think he's being cheated on?
  12. How to understand the language in old books?
  13. How do I get him out of my head?
  14. Where's the Superman cape in San Andreas?
  15. Do I like him?
  16. Does Santa Claus really have a brother?
  17. How do you figure out your GPA?
  18. How to be superman on PS2 San Andreas?
  19. How to get curves in the right places?
  20. How to get bigger boobs?
  21. PartyHelpUrgentlyNeeded
  22. Am I pretty enough to be a model?
  23. How to make scars less noticeable?
  24. The Best Part of Thanksgiving is...?
  25. Is Gmail temporarily down?
  26. How to help myself feel more secure?
  27. How can I change my age on Bebo?
  28. What's a good proxy site?
  29. How do I help my brother?
  30. How do I get an amazing body?
  31. How do you delete questions?
  32. Are all athiests out to destroy religion?
  33. Is the moon following me?
  34. Does John Cena have an assistant?
  35. How to lose weight fast and safe?
  36. Do women mind if their boyfriend wears pantyhose?
  37. Is this heavy bleeding normal after having a child?
  38. Have you received a Google Adsense check too?
  39. How to reduce stomach fat after having children?
  40. Where are street dancing classes near me?
  41. Will squeezing breasts cause cancer?
  42. How to avoid breast cancer?
  43. How do I stop pimples from reoccuring?
  44. What meat do you eat on Christmas?
  45. Where are baby pageants in Ohio?
  46. What's the best way to get my blog seen?
  47. Where do I file a complaint on my attorney?
  48. Are you for or against the production of cigarettes?
  49. Do you question the logic in the Bible?
  50. What courses are available in Australia?
  51. Why can't I download Myspace IM?
  52. Is there a win a date with the Jonas Brothers coming up?
  53. How to get my cell phone back?
  54. How to become fat in one month?
  55. How do I make women want me?
  56. Why was Kelly Clarkson missing from the AMA's?
  57. What did you want to be when you were a kid?
  58. What do you have to be thankful for?
  59. Are homosexuals going to heaven?
  60. physics question
  61. Is Fahrenheit 451 a good book?
  62. Why are men such bullheaded creatures?
  63. Why can't I be pretty?
  64. How do I lose 20 pounds fast and healthy?
  65. How to distract myself from eating?
  66. how do you get rid of scars from cutting?
  67. Will diet pills harm someone who is underage?
  68. How do you type square roots?
  69. How can I win his heart back?SOMEONE PLEASE ANSWER!!
  70. What do you think about this 3-day diet?
  71. How to sit straight up while on top?
  72. How to get revenge on an ex?
  73. How to stop myself from cutting and hide it?
  74. How can I acually lose weight?
  75. Do you think that the Atlanta airport will be delayed?
  76. How to get stronger willpower to lose weight?
  77. Is your guy complicated?
  78. Does anyone have hair extensions?
  79. Has anyone played Primal for PS2?
  80. Have you had your hair straightened?
  81. How to charm a girl?
  82. What's a size 6 youth in men's?
  83. Was it too early for a pregnancy test?
  84. Will my boyfriend like what I got him?
  85. Is it wise to wash your hair everyday?
  86. Will I become an alchoholic?
  87. What if a guy won't admit his feelings?
  88. How to make money before Christmas?
  89. How many of you think Windows Vista is terrible?
  90. How to make money online without a website?
  91. How can I lose some weight the healthy way?
  92. iHome
  93. How do I get over my fear of frying food?
  94. Does anyone know why questions get locked here?
  95. Hey do you think I should get hair locks?
  96. Can lesbians get STD's from oral sex?
  97. Where can I find good Paint Shop Pro 8 texture tutorials?
  98. Can anyone help me with this project?
  99. What happened to Leslie in Bridge to Terabithia?
  100. Can women get pregnant after menstruation?