Am I pretty enough to be a model?

Am I pretty enough to be a model? it has always been a big passion in my life but I think I am to ugly to be a model (what do you think)

Answer #1

most models are covered with 1,5 cm of make-up… and most of em are like uber skinny… I know I woudnt go out with one of them… but anyways, no offense but you’re kinda young to be worrying about that I think. but to answer your question I think your pretty enough lol!

Answer #2

I agree with imyselfandme. hunn, the only thing that makes models pretty are make-up and mostly photoshop! modeling hasn’t the word pretty, smart or even fat in it! it’s just about adjusting yr poses. that’s all.

Answer #3

There is no such thing as being too ugly to be a model. A model has nothing to do with cuteness. its all in the way that you carry yourself and the image that you portray. The answer to your question is no, perhaps you are a beautiful young lady. No, im not just saying that because I think modles does not have to be beautiful. Honestly,you are a swell young lady.

Answer #4

you are so cute ,you can do it, good luck.

Answer #5

ummm yeah look sweetie. your a cute little girl but that question should wait what are you 13. your body is going to change so much in the next few years you are not gone know what to do. so wait a litttle while on the model ambitions. focus on bein 13 for now

Answer #6

Here’s the dirty little secret: Modeling has absolutely nothing to do with how pretty you actually are. they put so much make up on you and then photoshop the crap outta the picture so whatever you start with, will most likely not look like what you come out with.

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