What happened to Leslie in Bridge to Terabithia?

in bridge to terabithia what ever happened to that one girl I think her name was lesle. did she die? and if she did how did it happen and why did it happen

Answer #1

Dear awesome_advice, Yes, she went down to the river to swing across and the rope broke, she hit her head on a rock and died. Great movie, very sad. Sue

Answer #2

in the movie she swings on the rope to terabithia while jess is on the trip with his teacher the rope snapped and she probably hit her head on a rock and drowned in the river. in the book shes captured by darkmaster. :( what happened???

Answer #3

when she went on the rope she sliped off and hhit a rock then died

Answer #4

ya and I heard she hit her head on a rock when she was swinging too

Answer #5

she died!!! she drowned when swinging across the rope!!! it was sooo sad!!!

Answer #6

She die’s when she was going to terabithia. she was swinging on the rope to terabithia and the rope broke she fell in the water and hit her head on a rock. :-(

Answer #7

I know that she died in the book, but I heard that there is like a sequel to Bridge to Terabithia, like because they never found Leslie’s body she wasn’t really dead and stuff like that. If anyone has the title, can you tell me please?

Answer #8

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!ah!:( She Dies

Answer #9

When jess went with his music teacher to the mueseum laslie tried to go to terabethia because she thought jesse was there but on the rope while she was swinging the rope broke and she droped on the water but no 1 knows that she hit her head in the rock she might even be alive because no 1 has found her body yet

Answer #10

her body was found how do you think jess,es parents know ?

Answer #11

yeah when jesse was on the trip with the teacher she went over the bridge and the rope snapped so im guessing she drowned. :[

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