Is he tired of me?

My boyfriend and I been going out for about 10 months now. and I miss the past, like the way he used to be how he used to kiss me all the time and everything was like sooo amazing, and now he dont kiss me that much or have sex that much only at night and before it was like 10 times a day… all he wants to do is play a game on the stupid internet. could he be tired of me?

Answer #1

Maybe it isnt that he is tired of you.. things are maybe more comfortable… After the first 8 to 9 months.. a relationship slows a bit down.. its not as new and exciting like it once was.. and you begin to know the person for who they really are.. The best thing to do is talk to him and tell him how you feel..see what he has to say.. if he is tired of the relationship or doesnt want to talk about it then maybe the best thing to do would be get out of the relationship

Answer #2

no I dont think he is tired of you! a lot of guys get so comfortable in a relationship and feel they dont need to do the things they use to! I suggest you spice this relationship up some! you could buy sexxy clothing and cook him a nice meal! if you feel like you dont need to do that then I would sit down and have a talk with him! if you dont , you will end up seeking other men because your missing all those kisses and the sex that he use to give you! alright any more questiong jsut let me no! ttyl!

Answer #3

okay maybe somethings bothering him or somethings on his mind sit down and talk to him and just be honest to him and tell him how you feel

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