How can I acually lose weight?

I’ve been fat and overweight my whole life and im so sick of it. im already a vegetarian, for a different cause, so its not like I eat fatty meat or that stuff. I’ve tried so much- cutting back of junkfood, calorie counting, excercising, and nothing works. I really just want to lose weight so I can feel better about myself, but I dont know what to do anymore.

Answer #1

Dear lalalala

Try going Vegetarian or Vegan. It’s easy to stick to after the first few days, and soy products tend to be healthier than dairy products (ice cream, yay!!). I lost 30 pounds after going Vegan for a week, and I didn’t gain it back til Thanksgiving (stupid Pecan Pie…)! You don’t starve yourself and have lots of energy, too!


Answer #2

I do the same, I want to feel better about myself too, but I know its hard! I havent found an answer yet either, I guess we should just try to diet and excercise better and be persistant. Sorry I couldnt be more help, but I have the same problem. I know it really sucks.

Answer #3

Dear lalalala

Exersize regularly with a friend, too! :)


Answer #4

im not fat or anything..but I go to the gym and play sports to keep my self in shape.. try it (:

good luckk.

Answer #5

Well, have you tried exercising everyday? and just eatin less and healthy foods?

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