Questions & Answers

  1. What is "casual clothing" to you?
  2. What type of music would this song come under? (view link)
  3. Does brown mascara look good with blue eyes?
  4. Which would more likely carry coconut oil - WalMart or a grocery store?
  5. What's the point of having the option to make your profile private if someone can just follow you and see everything?
  6. What do I do with couscous and chicken stock?
  7. What is a good knife to get?
  8. Do guys prefer homemade or store bought birthday cards?
  9. How do you pronounce the last name "Sykes"?
  10. What's your favorite video game of all time?
  11. Should I put the cone on my puppy who was just fixed?
  12. What's the name of the bike that the little girl in Katy Perry's "Wide Awake" music video had?
  13. How many calories is one glazed donut from Krispy Kreme?
  14. Why do people put (6 9) after some of their updates in the mature section?
  15. Is it bad enough that a bruise I have is getting darker?
  16. How to tone your butt?
  17. Are artist canvases alright for large-scale ink/marker drawings?
  18. What does it mean to be called 'high-risk' in regards to mental health?
  19. What's your favorite Subway sandwhich?
  20. Is it possible for someone to be pregnant, yet have their period late every time and the tests negative?
  21. If I got my period early should I skip the sugar pills or take them anyway?
  22. How do I go from a 8g to a 6g earring?
  23. What's the difference between Disney XD and Disney Channel?
  24. What are some gifts we can do for our football players?
  25. What's a good website to buy concert tickets?
  26. Why do people support others who show "attitude?"
  27. Can anyone figure out this riddle/puzzle?
  28. Is it bad to rely on being ill to lose weight?
  29. Why do my partner and i itch after sex?
  30. What does it mean to dream of a burning church?
  31. Does wearing jeans under a short skirt look good?
  32. Is "applesauce" really a slang word?
  33. Does RPG in MW3 stand for Rocket Propelled Grenade?
  34. Can you get a family plan with your friends?
  35. FunAdvice Trivia: What remains in Pandora's box?
  36. FunAdvice Featured Recipe: Ice Pops
  37. What causes a person to sweat more than the next person when undergoing the same activity or heat?
  38. Is the Dawnguard add-on for Skyrim worth buying?
  39. Is there a way to stop from sleep walking?
  40. Is there one material possession you would consider risking your life to save if your house was on fire?
  41. How to make breasts harder and bigger naturally and quickly?
  42. How can I lose this weight really fast?
  43. What dish can I make out of taco meat, besides tacos?
  44. Why does this girl want to make drama with me?
  45. What is the legal age to smoke cigarettes in New Jersey?
  46. What are some of your fears?
  47. What are your thoughts on Provigil?
  48. How many of you watch bollywood movies?
  49. How would I save an old PS game that requires a memory card on my PS3?
  50. Is my dad obsessed with his truck?
  51. Is is sad to be proud of my Tumblr blog?
  52. How to cure headaches?
  53. Why do kids start cussing when they are, like, 12 years old?
  54. What are some good stores to go back to school shopping?
  55. Is that commercial with a man singing "America, America" Mitt Romney?
  56. How to remove stink from hair?
  57. Is mane & tail shampoo and conditioner bad for your hair?
  58. What are some good earphone brands and how much do they cost?
  59. What are some side effects I should look for when taking my abilify?
  60. Why is it illegal to get a tattoo if you're under 18?
  61. FunAdvice Trivia:What cartoon super-robot protects the Earth from the evil Dr. Demon?
  62. FunAdvice Featured Recipe: Homemade Thin Mints (Girl Scout Cookies)
  63. What kinds of things do you pack in a carry-on bag for a 5-hour plane journey?
  64. Do you ever pass the bus, crossing over a double line?
  65. Is Pepsi as unhealthy as Coke?
  66. What should I expect; my dad is having another kid and I'm 15?
  67. What should I make my boyfriend for his 15th birthday?
  68. How to get rid of poison ivy or oak?
  69. Should I get eyelash extensions?
  70. What does "mami" mean exactly?
  71. Why won't my DSI turn on?
  72. How do I get my crush to answer me?
  73. Is it common to have bruising and soreness in the area you had an IV attached after several days of being out of the hospital?
  74. Do you need a sponsor to work in the UK on a working visa?
  75. What is abilify used to treat and is 5mg a low dosage for that specific pill?
  76. Are possessions actually real?
  77. Is my girlfriend cheating? (read more)
  78. Is it normal to hurt after physical therapy on your pelvic region?
  79. Why are Asians so cute?
  80. Is it true that you can create a poltergeist with your own paranoia and negative feelings/thoughts?
  81. Which German university is not too expensive but good in electrical engineering?
  82. Do you believe that FOX news is twisting words around and not giving people the facts?
  83. How long does nicotine stay in the body?
  84. Is there anyway to find the previous link that I copied on my computer?
  85. What's a 2 or 4 in juniors pants?
  86. FunAdvice Trivia: Before John Wayne became a Hollywood star, he excelled in what?
  87. Do you like Cher Lloyd's music?
  88. How hard is it, really, to find work?
  89. Why do bruises hurt?
  90. What's the meaning of "harakiri"?
  91. Is it bad that, when I do an MMA fight, I don't tap out? (read more)
  92. Why does my 2 month old male kitten stare into my eyes till I look away?
  93. Is there any way for my PlayStation 1 to connect to my lcd TV?
  94. How fast do freight trains travel through towns?
  95. What is the best song you guys have heard?
  96. Which is better to buy - a regular laptop or a Macbook, and what are the differences?
  97. Can somebody define "anarchy" in detail for me?
  98. Would it be a bad idea for me to start exercising after recently getting out of the hospital?
  99. What is a 4 and/or 6 women's pant size in European?
  100. is it possible to get pregnant (having unprotected sex) on your sugar pills while your on birth control 2 days before your supposed to get your period?