Questions & Answers

  1. How old is Brian from Family Guy?
  2. How do I get included in friendships?
  3. Why is there a huge ruckus about the employer portal mandate being delayed?
  4. Fate or coincidence?
  5. What is Joanna Levesque's real last name?
  6. Is the MasterCard Balance Insurance worth it?
  7. is this a baby bump? I think im preggo
  8. What colour oil paint should I get
  9. How early can you get morning sickness after conception
  10. Could she be pregnant?
  11. Can a boy wear girls shorts?
  12. Why do girls giggle and laugh when I have my shirt off?
  13. How do you feel when you are disliked because of your physical features?
  14. Do you have to be rich to live in California?
  15. I think im pregnant opinions?
  16. What happens if a parent is unable to pay child support?
  17. how can i get pregnant besides the obvious answer?
  18. Is it an insult when girls say "put a shirt on?"
  19. Where i can got best forklift parts ?
  20. Which is the good modular building or traditional building technique ?
  21. How to write text over image?
  22. Can I marry in the U.K without a visa?
  23. What does we contact mean to you?
  24. do you think its ok when someone mentions its there birthday?
  25. Where are the best places to swim in the summer?
  26. Holy, it's so cold. The temperature suddenly dropped and now it is freezing!
  27. How do girls tell a boy they like his chest?
  28. Why do japanese smash watermelons?
  29. How does it come about that:
  30. What are the chances of winning the Mega Millions and who's won the most
  31. gastric and vomting problem
  32. Which is better sheilds you from radiation LED or TUNGSTEN ?
  33. Which is the strongest metal ?
  34. Which is best annuity ?
  35. where can i find best tungsten Alloy in China ?
  36. What is Radiation sheilding ?
  37. How do I study for FINALS?!
  38. Random Mexican girl doing a classical Indian dance?
  39. Do girls like to see boys shirtless?
  40. Does my enemy like me?(please answer)!
  41. what kind of soap to wash cat's litter box with
  42. what do you think the hardest thing in life is?
  43. Does it signify anything for have someone appear in your dreams many times in a row?
  44. My CRT monitor is not working so should i buy LCD or LED?
  45. How can you send automatic mail by coding in visual studio 2013?
  46. how can i lose 60 pounds in three months?
  47. Questions about rose hair tarantula
  48. How should I go about listing an unfinished degree?
  49. What should I do about this girl?
  50. Why do women wear bikinis?
  51. What do girls really mean when they tell a boy he has "nice legs"?
  52. Is the Bonnie and Clyde miniseries worth watching?
  53. Who is John Lennon?
  54. How can i upgrade my windows OS?
  55. How can i increase my d: drive space from c: drive?
  56. Question about the new facebook status game?
  57. What is a song that my bf and i can call OUR song ?
  58. I had a good relationship but he broke up with me and I still love him but somebody asked me out Wat do I do ?
  59. Who are the Grammy nominations for the 2014 awards?
  60. Will Auburn play in the BCS Championship?
  61. Should I go to the doctor?
  62. gahh why is it so cold!?
  63. Where can I buy The Walking Dead DVDs?
  64. Which is better XBox One or Playstation 4?
  65. Who is Robinson Cano?
  66. What do girls mean when they say " you look hot do you work out?"
  67. What is your favourite horror film? Why?
  68. How can I tell what a .dll file does?
  69. What are the points to be remembered before ordering an essay?
  70. Should I be embarrassed to take my shirt off in public?
  71. Is a 35 inch chest to small for a guy?
  72. What do women say when they see a shirtless guy?
  73. Writing things down on paper when going to the doctor?
  74. My boyfriend's best friend is a girl...
  75. are electronic cigarettes really safer than real cigarettes?
  76. teacher wan't me to write fake trial worth 300 points on a book that they didn't send me to use this year.... what do i do?
  77. Want a dog, but can't because of sister? What to do?
  78. What is the best use of watchmen inkblot mask?
  79. What hairstyle would look good on me?
  80. whats the temperature?
  81. How do you get rid of a crush?
  82. I really need some help in geometry?
  83. Haha, have you guys ever had to use this?
  84. How can I stop all these good-for-nothing, free-loading, scam advertisers .....
  85. I'm in love with my cousin?!
  86. should i just get over this?
  87. Transfering from homeschool to highschool and am scared....
  88. i hate how my school has no spirit/support
  89. what happens if 7 days has pass now and i havent got my period this month
  90. What are good salad dressings that don't taste like Hidden Valley Ranch!?
  91. Is this lice or dandruff or some other hair problem?
  92. dad is being a jerk lately, calling siblings and i horrid names...
  93. how much time do you spend getting to inow yourself or help yourself grow?
  94. Why do my bones crack when I bend
  95. What is reality?
  96. how often can you eat the same food and what food is it?
  97. Have you ever cried because a website bored you to tears? Then cried again because you still log on daily anyway?
  98. Ignorant people 'trying' to help?
  99. I'm 20years old its my first pregnancy.
  100. How come people keep giving me "1 points" for my Answer?
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