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Buy a later “upgrade version” and install it.
Which is the best os windows 8 or Windows 7? - 1 Answers
I have plan to buy a laptop? for that which OS is best windows 7 or Windows 8?
Can windows melinium upgrade to windows xp professional - 2 Answers
Can windows melinium upgrade to windows xp professional with this cd a guy gave me
windows to mac OS urgent!! - 3 Answers
hii... I just want to know if a normal HP lap top can have two Operating systems installed on it... as in have windows and ma...
Have you upgraded to Windows Vista? - 2 Answers
Have you upgraded to Windows Vista? I did, but my video card is too crappy to even do anything cool with it. If you haven’t u...
Is Windows Vista worth upgrading to? - 5 Answers
My computer runs XP right now, a lot of my friends have windows 7 on their laptops, but my dad's giving me the option to upgr...
No favorites in Windows 7 - 2 Answers
After having windows 7 cannot find favotites
What are some pros and cons of upgrading from Vista to Windows 7? - 3 Answers
my mom is upgrading the laptop and I'm kind of worried bc I could've sworn that people said that you should stay with vista.
lg fusic upgrade??? - 1 Answers
can I get an uprade for my lg fusic lx550v12 ???
Who here thinks with every release of Windows the OS becomes more and more bloated? - 4 Answers
I also hate who I have to spend a day tweaking the OS before I can even use windows 7 for my work
How can I upgrade my computer? - 2 Answers
Ok so I want to upgrade my windows 98 yea I know lame and I don't really have any money because all the money I'm saving up i...
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