Questions & Answers

  1. How do they clean up the oil from oil spills, like the current BP spill?
  2. Can someone give me instructions on how to do guitar chords?
  3. What do i do if my hotmail friendslist dissapeared except for 6 names?
  4. Does anyone have any tips for guys as to how to avoid razor bumps?
  5. What is your favorite thing to get at McDonald's?
  6. What is the scariest movie or movies you have ever seen??
  7. How did Carlisle Cullen become a vampire?
  8. What is something that you eat or a combination of things that others think is weird?
  9. What are some similarities and differences between The Sound of Music and West Side Story?
  10. What is a good mixed drink (liquor)?
  11. Should the male in a relationship always be the one to initiate conversation?
  12. How have You been? :O I haven't logged on in so long, I thought my account was gone.
  13. Why were the Nike Maxsight lenses discontinued?
  14. Who knows if the song "nine n the afternoon" by panic at the disco has a meaning?
  15. what can i do, i like 2 boys?
  16. who knows who the group WOW is? if you do tell me what you think of them?
  17. What should I do? I like this guy and when i text him he rarely answers me
  18. how can i invite my crush over text to hang out without being creepy or give t away that i like him(somthing flirty)?
  19. Who would you bring back if you could bring one singer or actor back to life and why?
  20. What is the worst joob that you have ever had and why?
  21. What does Te Amo mean? Te Amo by Rihanna
  22. Who invented the concept of lying?
  23. Why am i getting this sweet taste in my mouth?
  24. What's a quick way to get rid of razorburn? Much needed help!
  25. What should I do, my bf won't really talk to me?
  26. what do you think about the solar panal thing??
  27. how can i decorate a gazebo for my 16th birthday party ?
  28. Is Benylin cough syrup dangerous to dogs?
  29. Why are people ticklish?
  30. Would my boyfriend be in trouble lawfully?
  31. does anybody have any good funny quotes??
  32. How can i tell my boyfriend that I think it would be good for him to start working out?
  33. Why do i always want to eat now a days?
  34. whats... your favorite music genre and artist?
  35. How do i know if i am experiencing implantation bleeding?
  36. What are some good ideas with kids to do on the fourth of July besides fireworks?
  37. why do the newsboys have a british accent in "they dont serve breakfast in hell" and not in "born again"?
  38. Where is your ticklish spot?
  39. What was your first interview (for anything) experience like?
  40. Would you rather receive/give tap kisses or make-out?
  41. What do you think of the game Dantes Inferno for the PS3?
  42. How do I know he's telling the truth?
  43. what do i do, this boy has been texting me for days straight and now he hasnt talked to me for a week?
  44. Who here likes anime, and if so what is your favorite anime?
  45. how can i improve my ball handling skills for basketball and how can i improve my shot gesture
  46. When did you realize you wanted to spend the rest of your life with your significant other? This question is more directed to people over 18.
  47. how come my head is hurting so much, and is it serious?
  48. what are some cheesy dance moves?
  49. How many people actually know all of their friends personally on facebook and myspace?
  50. what's your favorite band of all time??????
  51. Who has used those body wax kits?
  52. Who are the members of the band Evanescence and what do they play?
  53. when i straighten my hair perfectly seconds later it goes curly?
  54. what should i do a guy told me he loved me?
  55. Who here has tried out the new e-cigs?
  56. how can i successfully put in a Nuva Ring deeply?
  57. how do i delete my questions or fix it?
  58. does nuva ring work as well as the pill or other really good birth controls?
  59. what are some funny youtube videos me and my friend can do?
  60. How do I quit being jumpy at night?
  61. What foods help prevent acne breakouts and promote healthy skin?
  62. Who here likes plastic plants because they won't die on you?
  63. Can someone tell me if Dual enrollment is hard ?
  64. Why is is it that every time I try to ask a question it ends up being a status?
  65. Why don't i get orgasms I kinda have convulsions instead, i gess?
  66. how can you keep skin pale even durring the summer without dressing warm and wearing much sunscrean?
  67. What is a good potty training method?
  68. who knows any cute hair styles for wavy thick puffy hair?
  69. what is the worlds most dangerous Drug?
  70. How long should you withold a payment if you're disputing a credit card charge, and it's taking forever to get settled?
  71. How can you tell if a man likes you?
  72. What do I do if my boyfriend is trying to change what i wear?
  73. Is it safe to take my puppy to the beach?
  74. why is a Raven like a writing desk?
  75. how to convince my parents to let me sign with the modeling agency?
  76. What's the job that Lightman does in Lie To Me ?
  77. Does anyone still buy gas at BP after the oil spill?
  78. Where Can i Buy a Tablet in Stores(Canada)?
  79. Does anyone know any good websites I can go to to find good body building tips, or programes?
  80. What to do with my traffic ticket?
  81. Do girls usually carry tampons around with them?
  82. what should i do, me and this guy both loved eacher then he became rude to me?
  83. Is high school really as big as a living hell as people say it is??
  84. What are your guys plans for fathers day? I have to think of something still xD
  85. Does the new Battlefield Bad Company 2 update have any new maps, or is it just fixing things for the new gamemode?
  86. Should i ask my friend if she'll go out with me?
  87. Does anyone know how different races were created?
  88. what's a really good song to sing for the talent competition?
  89. what. help my friends mum has stolen money from her?
  90. What is a good boys names to go with Hugh?
  91. What kind of LDS novels are availible?
  92. Can apple lock jailbroken devices? There's been a rumour going around my school that they can lock them. By lock I mean disable them.
  93. What internal benefits is a company offered if they use a WACC (The weighted average cost of capital) offer?
  94. Whats your favorite candy?
  95. What are your favorite 2009-2010 country songs?
  96. how do i move photos from my computer to my verizon chocolate cell phone
  97. What should i do buy the purse that $34.50 or go to the movies to see toy story 3 with my friends?
  98. How can i teach my dogs to roll over?
  99. What do you think is buried in the Oak Island Money Pit in Nova Scotia?
  100. What kinds of makeup should u wear when ur 15?