What is a good potty training method?

My three year old goes number one just fine in the toilet but he refuses to do the number two in the toilet. I am tired of cleaning him up… can anyone suggest a good way to get him to do this? (phew!!)

Answer #1

Ha Ha I forgot to select a category and its under jobs & money… I would love to get paid to potty train my own son!

Answer #2

Moved to Kids.

Answer #3

my mom put cereal like fruit loops in the toliet and told my brother to hit them. lol It worked.

Answer #4

wat i did with my son was i had him wear a shirt with no diaper,no underwear and no pull ups and i would take him to the bathroom like every half an hour and tell him peepee bathroom until he learn and understood and if he pee on the floor i would tap him light on the leg and say do peepee batnroom that how he learn im about to teach my other son to use the bathroom. My mom told me this is how she did it with me and my brothers good luck if ur son a quick learner its easy but if not he’ll get it i started training my first when he was 2 1/2 by the time his was almost 3 he would go on his own and when we went outside he’ll tell me when he had to go

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