Questions & Answers

  1. Can you buy NuvaRing in New Zealand?
  2. How can you hear your heartbeat in your ears?
  3. What would be the dependent and independent variable?
  4. How can I stop panic attacks from reoccuring?
  5. How do I mix the base and catalyst that came with my fake vampire fangs for Halloween?
  6. what kind of foods should i eat that won't hurt when i get my braces fixed?
  7. Whats the last song in the movie The Breakfast Club?
  8. Who has sickle cell, and what are your symptoms like??
  9. Where can I register to vote?
  10. Is it weird that i play with a nerf gun against my dad?
  11. what can i put in a strawberry smoothie if i dont have ice cream or yogurt?
  12. What are good careers involving dogs that sill pay well?
  13. What is the relationship with Germany and the Equator and the Prime Meridian?
  14. how and what to feed your children when they are ill?
  15. Is it weird for a girl to play video games?
  16. Can the police stop you if your muffler is loud?
  17. Can i move back to Massachusetts for my senior year of highschool even if my mom doesnt want me to?
  18. How can I remove programs that do not show up in my currently installed program list?
  19. can i move out at 17 in ny?
  20. How do I make a flyer on my computer and with what programs?
  21. What are you views on Christian metal?
  22. Can you make chocolate ganache with milk instead of cream?
  23. What could i do to help my throat ?
  24. Does anyone thinks it's wrong to freak out if you see your rapist for the first time since he raped you?
  25. how come it seems like most people want girl babysitters instead of guy ones?
  26. What exactly is Fastline, is it like Paypal?
  27. Is it normal for an adoption agency to ask for money in order to retrieve your records?
  28. How can I be a happier person?
  29. How do I make my friend stop acting like she's my mom and telling me how I should be?
  30. Is there a way to link a howto article that you write to another site so people can see it?
  31. Are employers allowed to fire an employee without giving them a reason?
  32. Is the intro to Black Veil Brides- "Knives and Pens" something that someone actually said?
  33. Who knows about greek mythology?
  34. Is it ok for a person to give a baby who just turned one a full bottle of chocolate milk?
  35. How can I buy items from
  36. Is Yoga basically streaching?
  37. Can gold fish eat tropical fish food?
  38. Do you have any tips for wacky tacky day?
  39. Can you help me find a thesis for my informative speech on Halloween?
  40. How do I wake up in the morning?
  41. Where and why did all my files and folders dissappear?
  42. What kind of therapist would a mother and daughter get to work out there problems with?
  43. Why do people follow each other?
  44. Would you rather be in eternal Summer or eternal Winter?
  45. Why when people masturbate do they feel out of breath after lmao?
  46. What is best to control cat litter odor?
  47. What do you guys think about Russia and russians?
  48. What is a prosecutor?
  49. How come the person that is well respected, is also disliked by others as well?
  50. What are some good excuses for having a knife in your bedroom?
  51. Why do women who are heavy earn less?
  52. Why do people laugh at others who have a different style to theirs or don't have the "latest fashions"?
  53. What are the similarities between Singapore and Maldives?
  54. what is the leagal age to leave home without parent permission in missouri an the police cant bring you back?
  55. Where can I find the printed version of The Asylum Wayward Victorian Girls book?
  56. How fast did usain bolt run the 100m race for him to set the world record?
  57. How is remittance related to a country's economy?
  58. What are some really beautiful suburban states, or states that have beautiful suburban communities?
  59. What is this spongebob episode?
  60. Has anyone had a life changing answer on here?
  61. how can i make my ears appear smaller?
  62. what is a MDN number in regards to
  63. is the U.S. Government planning a draft in the near future?
  64. Why do parents think they can forbid you from doing something, but then they go and do it??
  65. is popcorn chicken good cold?
  66. Where does Nutrition fall for a study for college?
  67. Does St. John Wort have any negative bodily side-effects?
  68. Should i feel bad for using a wheelchair just for a broken ankle?
  69. What are your opinions on cops?
  70. Where do libraries get their money to buy all their books?
  71. What are some good community services that a person can do by there self?
  72. Would this be considered some form of narcolepsy?
  73. Can people hit the like button on themselves?
  74. What are all the different types of fruit and veggies in a cornucopia?
  75. Would you rather use biometrics in a resort or wristbands with facial identification?
  76. Is it ok to want to live somewhere else?
  77. What do guys mean when girls have "raw vagainas" ??
  78. Why are men so obsessed with porn ??
  79. What do you think men would use if we had to go through some kind of PMS?
  80. What is one food you will absolutely NEVER eat and why?
  81. Can gold fish eat any kinda food?
  82. Do you normally give your 30 day notice and then start looking for a new apartment?
  83. What stores do you visit to shop for clothes?
  84. How do you relax your parents?
  85. How to make a 3D Plant Cell project in three days w/o using food items or clay?
  86. how do i tell if i was molested or rapped?.
  87. What do you think a Black and White theme is good for a wedding?
  88. what can anyone say bout if ur parents r tryin to get ur kids to not like ur bf?
  89. Why doesn't Windows live messenger show music I'm listening to on Itunes but shows music on Windows media player ?
  90. Who know what jacket does Justin Bieber wears in Somebody to love?
  91. How can i deal with the fact that my dad is slowly dieing?
  92. What can i do when i play BrickBreaker on my Blackberry and in the middle of the game the ball just goes away??
  93. How do I make my itchy throat and ears go away?
  94. Is my belly button ring migrating out?
  95. Where can i watch Celebrity big brother 2002 uk ?
  96. is it true you can eat your gum wrapper with your gum?
  97. What can i do so that my 3 year old sister likes me?
  98. How do you round to the nearist 10th??
  99. Can I, a teenager, get a Paypal account?
  100. How can u fix a computer screen which has gone sideways?