What are some good excuses for having a knife in your bedroom?

I’m looking for believable excuses, not something like “a unicorn came in and tried to eat my unborn child so I had to fend it off :D”. Plausible excuses only please ^.^

Answer #1

I’m more concerned with the fact that you have a knife in your room…Connor…?

Answer #2

what kind of knife?

Answer #3

Fear of a burglary, for protection

Answer #4

Other than for protection (which still isnt a very believable excuse) its not going to be easy to make them believe it was there for a reason other than what they think. You can try saying you were using it to cut the bottom of your jeans or some loose strings off your shirt, carving something (make sure you actually do it so you have proof), eating in your room and left the knife in there…

Answer #5

The neighbors were getting on my nerves =/ xD I kid, I kid.

Answer #6

Thanks :)

Answer #7

A kitchen knife, but one of the tiny ones.

Answer #8

Tell them you were eating a pb ‘n j n forgot to take the knife out?

Answer #9

well i have 3 that i can count from here :) and i have them for work and camping and climbing so they live in my room :P and i had a kitchen knife coz i was eating cheese or something in my room at one point :L (why do you have a knife in your room ???)


Answer #10

LOOOOL camping? That’d be believable for you maybe xD not for me. And I have one because the unicorn tried to steal my unborn child =/ like I said up there. But I can’t say that =/ I’ll look insane. XD

Answer #11

It’s not a BUTTER knife xD it’s like one for cutting veggies and such.

Answer #12

connor you are insane :P just say you were eating a pineaple under the sea XD


Answer #13

Lol! As if that’ll work xD

Answer #14

You shouldn’t have one in your room.They might find it one day,think your trying to physically hurt yourself and send you to therapy or something.just put it back?lol

Answer #15

spongebob :D


Answer #16

They already found it xD that’s why I’m looking for excuses, lol.

Answer #17

I know -.-

Answer #18

i dont use a butter knife for that lol i use the big ones!

Answer #19

Ohhh. Well then xD I don’t make PB&J in my room though :L…actually I don’t make PB&J at all xD

Answer #20

Just say you were watching TV in your room with an apple that you were slicing and eating?

Answer #21

Good idea, thanks ^.^ I don’t think we have apples though, lol, but we’ll see.

Answer #22

Steal some off a neighbor’s tree. At least you’ll be protected when they come to seek revenge :)

Answer #23

i know you know silly i just wanted to say spongebob :P


Answer #24

:O youve never had pb&j :O get some its AWESOME :D


Answer #25

I have no clue for an excuse! I got caught with a knife/razor in my room and got in big trouble! It didn’t matter what I said they wouldn’t listen. If your parents are like mine you are still going to get in trouble!

Answer #26

i was wondering the same thing :/

Answer #27

me too

Answer #28

you could say you were bored of being a boy and wanted rid of your boy bits :P E

Answer #29

You know, maybe you should just tell the truth. Perhaps therapy wouldnt be the end of the world.

Answer #30

I’ve gone before though and yeah it helped but I can’t go again I have too busy of a schedule and such and they’ll be p!ssed and stuff =/ sooo, yep.

Answer #31

listen up, you’re talking to the queen of avoidance and self destruction. Anything you have to say, I’ve said it before and I’ve done it before. So dont even start. No one is too busy for therapy. If you’re hurting, that means you’ve got enough time to think. If you’ve got enough time to think, you’ve got enough time to go to therapy. And seriously, what exactly could be more important that getting better? Your parents will get over it and deal with it. And you know that. And you know that you can deal with them being upset. You’re making excuses. I know that. You know that. I also know that nothing I say can make you do anything. But it’s not ok that you’re feeling bad enough to want to hurt yourself. It’s not ok that you’re hurting yourself. You dont deserve that. And I’m only saying it because I know things can be better.

Answer #32

*than getting better. You said ‘that’. =/ and you never really answered my question.

Answer #33

Lolz gross!

Answer #34

Ew! I’m allergic to peanuts

Answer #35

:) and by picking on irrelevant details you want to change the subject?

Answer #36

lol my parents found mine as well.. mostly cuz i slash the furniture… but i just say mom gave it to me(which she did) very useful for picking locks. they were like, okay.

Answer #37

LOOOOOOL that made me laugh SO hard xD why on earth do you slash the furniture? :P

Answer #38

honey one of my friends died in a knife fight because someone else had a knife so i relly really really think it would be a good idea to get rid of the knife, i don’t want to have to mourn someone else just because someone was annoying them ot thought they needed “protection”

Answer #39

I was too. Now I hate peanuts and peanutbutter

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