Questions & Answers

  1. Why cant i send pictures to my online album anymore?
  2. Who else thinks that the Gran Torino Sport is a good car?
  3. How can I make my dad understand that im depressed?
  4. What does your favorite color remind you of?
  5. Do you think this is too much to ask for Christmas?
  6. What exactly is, "The Tea Party Movement"?
  7. How do i adjust sound recorder on my computer?
  8. Who else is gonna be at the Justin Bieber concert tomorrow?
  9. What is wrong with my alerts they don't show?
  10. What could I make out of clay as a christmas gift?
  11. Is tron legacy a good movie?
  12. Who knows the name of this book set in the second world war?
  13. When's a good time to buy electronics?
  14. How would you define LIFESAVER in an inspirational way?
  15. What is done at a phycologist appoiment when they are traying to figure out if you have depression?
  16. Does anyone know good sites to practise your learners on?
  17. What company of Internet do you have, how much do you pay a month and how good is it?
  18. What are Ismene's flaws in the story Antigone?
  19. What's PDX?
  20. What would be a good quote to put on my teacher's Christmas gift?
  21. Is a diesel car better than a regular car?
  22. What is the literal, serious defenition of "high"?
  23. Why is everyone's favorite color blue?
  24. What happens if somebody asks a Question in a foreign language?
  25. Did the beatles write all of their music?
  26. How do you pick up the rocks in black ops Nazi zombies:kino der toten?
  27. Do u have to bath ur cat??
  28. how do i tell my Christian parents that im an atheist?
  29. what are the education requirements to be a garbage men?
  30. how to get your new tongue ring to stop hurting?
  31. How to stop my eyes from burning without using eyedrops?
  32. Why does my dog bark at every truck that drives by?
  33. What do you think should be the punishment for the man who wrote the book how to rape children a pedophiles guide?
  34. Does Emilie Autumn got a official music video in youtube?
  35. what kind of fish are these?
  36. how much money do garbage men make every month in usa chicago??
  37. what is the easiest way to learn japanese?
  38. How do you swim?
  39. how can my boyfriends mom convince my mom to let me to go to texas with them?
  40. is it true that masturbation is healthy for you? if so, why?
  41. How can i convince my mom to let me chncge my style completely?
  42. Who has went on the website and thinks its good?
  43. Can You Legally Move Out In Georgia If Your 17 And Pregnant?
  44. what program to use to make animated images?
  45. Can you tell me what the memory card on xbox 360 is for?
  46. is it a bad thing for a 14 year old girl to want to just try and smoke weed. just to see what its like?
  47. What's chamber music?
  48. Is it bad if a 15 yr old smokes and drinks?
  49. Where can i get really good brownie recipes??
  50. Why are some people offended by others saying Merry Chrismas or Happy Holidays to them?
  51. is Justin Bieber a 51 year old man in disguize?
  52. when will the board of education make education easy to obtain?
  53. How much would a contested divorce be when all u have to fight over is a child and the other parent doesn't have a lawyer?
  54. How do you go about blocking someone's funmail, or can't you do that?
  55. What will happen if i die my hair a more dirty blonde color after it was died a ashy brown with blonde highlights yesterday??
  56. Who seriously thinks they evolved from apes and monkeys?
  57. why is education such a challenge for some of the people?
  58. why do i get this feeling im the only person on this earth?
  59. What is the best thing, for you, about being in a (your) relationship?
  60. How do you prevent REGcure from deleting important system files?
  61. how do i make this pattern with string?
  62. How does it work when getting your licence in Australia??
  63. Who is a big paramore fan!?.
  64. Is there any monthly fee for using Pay Pal?
  65. what's your favorite flavor of lipgloss to wear ?.
  66. what is required for going to and living in another nation?
  67. how do i locate someone by username?
  68. How do i tell my best friend i like her?
  69. what is your favourite holiday song?
  70. what are some unique christmas/holiday traditions your family does?
  71. How can I figure out the title of a song, when I only know some of the lyrics and the artist??!
  72. How to tell parents I want to join the Marines after my first semester of college?
  73. How to cure a burn on your tongue?
  74. how much is a 1987 v6 buick grand national with turbo worth?
  75. What are some good verses in the Bible that talk about how grateful we are for God and for all He's done in our lives?
  76. What can i do to get more people to watch my video on youtube?
  77. What do you think should happen to people who starve their children to the point its fatal?
  78. Is it true that spraying hairspray on your Christmas tree will make it last longer?
  79. what is the diffrence between satellight mapping and sonar mapping?
  80. What can I do about my jealously problem?
  81. what is choledocholithiasis?
  82. when does wnba start?
  83. What exactly is, "The law of Attraction"?
  84. Are there any good films with Selena Gomez and/or demi lovato???
  85. Who else has read the book "Th1rteen R3asons Why" and what do you think about it?
  86. Does anyone know who said this quote and if I'm saying it right?
  87. When do you think humanity's stupidity will go away...if ever?
  88. How can you tell the differance between a cheetah and a leopard, they both look the same?
  89. Could we sue for this?
  90. Why am I still hungry after I ate alot of food today?
  91. Do you think vampires and werewolves have taken over pop culture?
  92. How do eye contacts work to improve your eyesight?
  93. Does anyone know how to open up a laptop when the password won't let you in. What does one do?
  94. what is modulo ?
  95. why do i allways have a bad internet conection on my play station 3, if it says that the signal strength is of 100%?
  96. If a vampire bites another vampire does that make vampire 2 a second degree vampire?
  97. Is it true that if you're sexually active during the first times, the period cycle will stop for a little while?
  98. Why do all of my questions go to who knows where ?
  99. Is Humanity oblivious to it's core existance?
  100. are staff breed vicious ??