How does it work when getting your licence in Australia??

In SA we write a test, if you pass you get your learners and can only get your licence at 18 once you’ve gona for some lessons and tests.

I know someone told me in Australia they have a system called P-plates and so forth… I dont quite understand can anyone explain to me what that exactly means??

Answer #1

when you begin to drive, you are on your learners, that is when your 16. you need to have an l plate up on the back window and the front window at all times when driving (that is just a little yellow sign with the letter “L” on it). you must drive with a fully liscenced passanger at all times. once you turn 18, you go for your red “P” plates. this is so you can drive alone, and get your liscence.. you must still remain 0.00 alcohol level when driving. p stands for practicing, and you can only have a certain number of people in your car.your on your red p’s for 1 year. after 1 year, you can go on your green p’s. once again, you must still be at 0.00 at all times. your on your green p’s for 3 years (till your 21), then you get your full liscence, where you can drink and have as many passengers in the car.

Answer #2

You must be at least 16 years of age and a Victorian resident to be eligible to apply for a learner permit. You will need to pass a car learner permit test which you study for like a school test. You also need to pass an eye sight test. To pass the test you need to get at least 78% so about 25/32 questions correct. When you pass you officially have your “L’s”. Then you have to follow some rules for driving: You must display L plates on the front and rear of the vehicle, visible from a distance of 20 metres. must be accompanied by an experienced driver at all times while driving. must have a zero Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) at all times while driving must carry learner permit at all times while driving must not use a mobile phone, including hands free, hand held and messaging while driving must not tow a trailer or vehicle. You stay for about 2 years on your L’s. Once you have met all the requirements, you can apply for your probationary (have to be 18 years old at least). This is your P’s which allows you to drive solo. if you are under the age of 21, you must have held your learner permit for at least twelve months in the period immediately before applying for a licence and completed a minimum of 120 hours (including at least 10 hours at night) of driving with an experienced driver. if you are over 21 years of age but under 25 years of age, you must have held your learner permit for at least six months in the period immediately before applying for a licence. if you are 25 years of age or over you must have held your learner permit for at least three months in the period immediately before applying for a licence. You then have to take a Drive Test which helps identify drivers who are ready to drive safely on their own. It checks that you can drive safely and efficiently with other traffic. You must be able to control the car smoothly, obey the road rules and co – operate with other road users. After you pass your tests you will be issued with either a P1 or P2 probationary licence which allows you to drive under certain restrictions. A few are: P1: You must display red P plates at all times (plates measuring approximately 150mm square with a white letter P on a red background) which are clearly visible from a distance of 20 metres You must not have any alcohol in your blood when driving  You must not use a mobile phone, hand held, hands free or messaging of any kind You are not permitted to drive a probationary prohibited vehicle P2: You must display green P plates at all times (plates measuring approximately 150mm square with a white letter P on a green background) which are clearly visible from a distance of 20 metres You must not use a hand held mobile phone while driving You are not permitted to drive a probationary prohibited vehicle You must not have any alcohol in your blood when driving. Sounds confusing but isn’t so much :-) hope you understood now. It’s a long way!

Answer #3

whoa did you type all this?

Answer #4

lol yeh but I was doing the drivers test online and saw the points to follow, only copied them :)

Answer #5

You get your leathers when your 16, have them for a year then you have to do a driving test to get your red p’s which you have for one year and you get your green p’s which you have for 2 years and after that you get your black license which is just a normal license you have to renew every year :)

Answer #6

oh right lmao

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