Beauty & Style Questions

  1. How can I get longer and smoother hair?
  2. Has anyone considered earlobe stretching?
  3. How to get rid of pimples on my side and back?
  4. How do you cover scars?
  5. How do I stretch a shirt without it looking ridiculous?
  6. How much does hair grow in 6 months?
  7. Am I Goth?
  8. Is it OK to use sports bras?
  9. What size bra am I?
  10. can boobs shrink or no?
  11. Should I buy or rent a dress for my sister's wedding?
  12. What color eyeshadow with hazel eyes?
  13. How to make my scars fade?
  14. Where is the most least painful spot for a tattoo?
  15. What's a good deoderant to use to stop sweating?
  16. What age is necessary for a belly button piercing?
  17. How to keep my hair smooth?
  18. What are the best ways to cure sunburn?
  19. How to remove pimple marks?
  20. How to stop frizzy and curly hair?
  21. Can you color your hair with hydrogen from school?
  22. Eye Lashes...why are they soo thin??
  23. How do I get rid of frizzy hair ?
  24. Is it bad to straighten my hair?
  25. What hair products to use after bleaching?
  26. How Much Are Hair Extensions in the USA in TX?
  27. How to cover up freckles?
  28. How to apply mascara correctly?
  29. Is wearing white bad in Winter?
  30. How do you get rid of puppy fat in the cheeks?
  31. Am I pretty enough to be a model?
  32. Would this hairstyle suite me?
  33. How can I curl my hair without getting a perm?
  34. How to get my hair straight without a flat iron?
  35. Can you use laundry bleach to go blonde?
  36. How to convince my parents to dress goth?
  37. Is this new picture better?
  38. pores on the face
  39. Does anyone have implanted teeth?
  40. How much do highlights cost?
  41. How do I get rid of freckles?
  42. Is this picture that I just put up ugly?
  43. What kind of makeup should I get?
  44. How do I apply foundation?
  45. How to do my makeup like Katie Price?
  46. Which tattoo do you like best?
  47. Do eyelashes grow back?
  48. How to best straighten curly hair?
  49. What can I put in badly damaged hair?
  50. What is the perfect hairstyle for a heart-shaped face?
  51. How long does it take to get your hair highlighted?
  52. How can I get a punk rock style without cutting my hair off?
  53. How to gauge from a 4 to a 2 in my ears?
  54. Should I Get The Inferior Navel Piercing?
  55. What do you think of my sister's picture?
  56. How do I make a knot like this?
  57. How to dye my hair when I'm allergic?
  58. How to convert women's shoe size to men's shoe size?
  59. Do you need to let your hair grow before laser removal?
  60. How long does your tube of mascara last?
  61. Better place for a tattoo: lower back or hips?
  62. Why can't I pronouce properly after a tongue piercing?
  63. Will someone help me get a new, affordable look?
  64. Can I do a tongue web piercing at home?
  65. How do I make my face look good?
  66. Anyone know of any good hair conditioners?
  67. How can I get softer hair?
  68. What are some bracelet colors and meanings?
  69. Which hairstyle should I do?
  70. Is this Mary Kay formula a good bargain?
  71. Should I be punk or preppy?
  72. How to get smaller boobs?
  73. Does Erythromycin work to prevent pimples?
  74. What are cute hairstyles for African-American hair?
  75. How can I minimize the orange in my bleached hair?
  76. Why do some people just look bad in pictures?
  77. Guys, do you think I'm pretty?
  78. Is it possible to numb your tongue before a piercing?
  79. Do you think skaters are outcasts?
  80. What is the purpose of a Pumice stone?
  81. What brand type is better?
  82. Why am I scared to carry a purse?
  83. Why do my boobs look like this?
  84. Which is the best flat iron?
  85. How to get rid of back breakouts?
  86. Shall I get my tongue pierced?
  87. Can you use Crest Whitening strips with braces?
  88. Which brand is better?
  89. How much does an eyebrow ring hurt?
  90. How to grow hair like Claudio Sanchez?
  91. How to stop puffy eyes in the morning?
  92. How to do my hair for school?
  93. Is being goth OK?
  94. What hairstyle should I use for school?
  95. Why do I have so many stretchmarks?
  96. Do girls think muscles look good?
  97. Will not straightening my hair help the dryness?
  98. What is a Monroe?
  99. How to get rid of stretch marks?
  100. How do I get rid of a hickey?