How do I get rid of freckles?

hello! how was your day? I hope everything went well…but I really wanted to no if any one new how to get rid of freckels? I mean its not like I hate them I think they are cute but mine are strange and I hate them…I try to cover them a little but everything doesnt blend in w/ my sj=kin and it looks all pasty so that doesnt work! help me rid them of my face!!! (get rid of them?) and please dont say I need to except it because I am happy w/ myself everything except them…and I hate my nose to…when I was little I fell of my bike and no its messed up but I except that just not my freckels!!!

Answer #1

I have freckles also and I HATE them. I can live with the ones on my face but the ones on my arms got to go. I heard from many people I can try rubbing lemon juice on it 2 times a day and leave it on for 15 min. I feel you totally. but the problem is im very pale so if they come off im scared they will come back once I expose myself to the sun to try to tan up a lil.

hope this works!

Answer #2

I see how you fell I can relate but no io don’t have freckles I have little tiny mole on my face and yes it grows very agravating sometimes but as I begin to grow up people and old boy friends thought they were cute but sorry to tell you this freckles are pigments in you skin and they are there for good just like my beautimoles but the only way I know how to get them off is the good old surgical removal but if I was you I would keep them

                                                                                                                Bye =)
Answer #3

sometimes guys do think they are cute, but if you want to cover them up or you can use bare minerale by loreal or you can get the more expensive bare minerals…I personally use the loreal and I love it because I have rosey cheeks sometimes and it covers really good…you should give it a try…I recommended it to 3 of my friends and now they use it and say that love it…

Answer #4

Hey I’m really sorry that you don’t like freckles! But for one thing when I was in middle school I had freckles, truly I hated them too! But when my crush asked me out in highschool he told one reason I was pretty was because of my freckles! Now there gone as I get older! And I can definetly tell I am older because soon I am starting college!

Answer #5

I used to hate my freckles (mine aren’t very noticeable anymore) but, you’d be surprised at how many guys find them cute. ;) as for a way to get rid of them im not sure, I have just always heard that you eventually grow out of them in some cases

Answer #6

Hiya, You Just answered my question on Bulimia so im returning you the favour. Well my sister has freckles and cuts a lemon in half and rubs it on her arms (where her freckles are) and a lot of them disappear. I hope this helped


Answer #7

…you’d be surprised at how many guys find them cute.

raises hand

Answer #8

im sure they are perniment unless you do plastic surgery.. I havent heard of freckles remvoale or anything…sometimes you just mgiht grow out of it

Answer #9

hey, your probly like me I have frackles all over my face I throught that they were really noticeable and that every time someone looked at me thats what they saw. but the other day I mentioned they and the hole group was ilke “ frekles? you dont have frekles, aww maybe just a liitle” so there probly not that bad. just try to stay out of the sun NEVER get burnt and use sunscreen :) this stops new one formin and helps the othes fade

Answer #10

like shaelovespete said, loads of boys love freckles, I used 2 hate my freckles but now id never get rid of them. you could put concealer over it and cover it :] but I dont think there is a way 2 actually get rid of them unless they go on there own.

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