Beauty & Style Questions

  1. Lips softer
  2. What better benzocaine or Lidocaine for numb
  3. Whitening teeth with braces
  4. Numbing before piercing
  5. What cologne and/or perfume smell is your favorite?
  6. how old to be in UK to get tongue and lip pierced
  7. When do girls stop growing boobs?
  8. Needle thru lip what side
  9. Ear piercing With a neddle
  10. How do you take care of a Hip piercing?
  11. How to Bottle Myself up ear peircings
  12. Plastic surgery
  13. Can my 2 year old brother get his ears pirces
  14. hair websites
  15. Hair styleing tips and advice
  16. She makes me feel inferior and ugly :(
  17. what are some easy hairstyles
  18. Sun bathing
  19. Putting up your hair?
  20. How do I look Asian?
  21. guys underarm hair :X
  22. Nose peircings
  23. ugg boots!
  24. What brand of hair dye...
  25. Will this help with shaving?
  26. How am I supposed to shave down there?
  27. Scene, out of control?
  28. Nipple peircing
  29. How do you increase breast growth?
  30. I cant walk in heels
  31. How do I pop blackheads?
  32. whats this kind of piercing?
  33. new hairstyle??
  34. How to look nice with little makeup
  35. 23 years old and very small boobs :(
  36. corset piercing?
  37. White spotty face
  38. what does "scene" mean?
  39. Hair always curls
  40. So chipmunk-ey
  41. Very thin...
  42. Good hair styles for weddings?
  43. Black to blonde.
  44. How do you make your underarms look like hair doesnt grow there?
  45. No shine in my hair:[
  46. Are you meant to shave your arms?
  47. What is the purpose of a FAN BRUSH?
  48. Easy way to be skinny?
  49. Does piercing your eyebrow hurt
  50. Tanning Questions
  51. Mood rings
  52. Abercrombie jeans
  53. Do you wear panties under pantyhose?
  54. Black or Bleach Blonde?
  55. Hair Change
  56. Good deodorant
  57. Scab on my face adn it was dry skin but how do I get rid of it fast
  58. What hairstyle would look best on me
  59. how to keep my hair nice over night?
  60. fanny pack, would you keep it around your waist?
  61. What color should I dye my hair?
  62. tactoo...on the back of my neck any ideas?
  63. So I dyed my hair and now my roots are lighter ..
  64. Should I get a Royale hair straightener?
  65. haiirrr !
  66. Does clean & clear really work?
  67. bellly ring 14 too young for a belly button ring ?
  68. Dry skin, what type of moisturizer and facewash to use?
  69. breast pills
  70. marilyn manson make up
  71. puffy hair
  72. puffy hair
  73. skin help!
  74. Wookie(fake shoes) an no style help!!!
  75. Can You Get Your Tounge Done When Your 13 ??X
  76. Eyebrows hurt or not
  77. I dyed my hair black..
  78. Cheek piercing
  79. Engagement Party
  80. Lip and nose piercing will it hurt ???
  81. Bump On Lip
  82. Ouchy!
  83. hair styles for flat but pretty face
  84. sew-in weave
  85. tannn spray
  86. Gang tattoo or no??
  87. Glasses and hair color
  88. Legs are a mess!!!
  89. would I...
  90. scale on nose peircing
  91. Do you stretch your lobes?
  92. Cellulite Treatments that Work
  93. How can I convince my parents to let me get snake bites?
  94. How can I make my hair naturaly curly
  95. What hairstyle is good for a round face
  96. Perfect dress
  97. Racist Problem??
  98. advice on my look
  99. How can I grow my hair to be super long???
  100. Is it hard to bleach red hair?