Legs are a mess!!!

help, shaving my legs is a nightmare.. I either shave them till their smooth and my skin looks like its ben in a war zone, or I shave carefully so my skin is nice but I still have stubble all over… my skin’s to dry/sensitive for other methods such as waxing or dissolving creams HELP!!! I’m sick of wearing jeans!!!

Answer #1

ok so, I 2 am I very suckish shaver so get a razor that has like aloe soap around the blade it is a lot less expensive the going tanning and easy they are like eight bucks you can get em at walmart :)

Answer #2

go get them dun profesionaly about 2 ,3 or 4 times a weeks it iz expesive but worth it and you should go to a tanning bed to make them look better and for the dryness just put moisturizing lotion on it lol alllwayzz maymay

Answer #3

How do you go about shaving your legs? From what it seems you need to moisturize before and after you shave, which is the right way to shave in the first place.

You can do this in the shower or soak in a bathtub, but get your skin supple and open up your pores in warm water/hot shower a few minutes before shaving. Then use shaving cream, or a better and cheaper alternative - aloe vera moisturizer, on the area that needs to be shaved. Make sure that you have a new razor, as blunt ones will require you to shave over an area more than once which can irritate your skin later and also deposit dirt under your skin. Try your best not to shave against the grain, although for most people, shaving against the grain for the legs only is okay. Put on some moisturizer again when you get out of the bath/shower and have dried yourself off.

Shaving makes your skin dry, which is why it’s important to moisturize so that your skin won’t be irritated. Also try to keep it moisturized the next few days so that it will prevent ingrown hairs as supple skin makes it easier for the hairs to grow out.

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