Sex Questions

  1. I need help 4real
  2. How to get skinny
  3. What do I do about this guy?
  4. Can masturbating cause problem like not getting pregnant in future
  5. Getting pregnant
  6. I need help Masturbating, A.S.A.P.
  7. Confsed
  8. what to do instead of masterbation
  9. There he blows!!!
  10. Love triangle problem..
  11. Do you think its a bad thing?
  12. I cant make her horny or affect her in a sexual kind of way! help:(
  13. Find My G spot
  14. What do you do after sex?
  15. unprotected sex a day before ovulation day,sore tender breast
  16. Does Tanga mean thong?
  17. Masturbate with food?
  18. weight is my thighs and everything I eat goes to them
  19. For Girls...
  20. Biting? Sexy?
  21. Can I gay or bisexual become straight or not.
  22. best kissing method
  23. bj survay
  24. Puzzy farts...
  25. How to make anal sex pleasureable?
  26. 'Queefs' - fanny farts :|
  27. Signs that a guy wants a relationship with you and not just sex
  28. is sex forbiden in all of the religions?
  29. I might be pregnant, any advice?
  30. confused about my sexuality
  31. How can I control my pregnancy hormones?
  32. Unprotected sex ! Help!
  33. to lifeoftheparty20
  34. How can I convince my friend not to have an abortion?
  35. girls help wanted!!!
  36. What are some ideas for my book?
  37. Can't Get Anything In...
  38. I had sex with a girl im scared incase im pregnant
  39. Girlfriends parents (really need help)
  40. Bored or Horny
  41. L I S T EN...good idea 0r what?
  42. how do you no if ready for sex?
  43. When i masterbate my body tingled?
  44. Birth Control for 14 year old
  45. what does he want?!
  46. why every guys just want to sleep with me not being on a relationsh
  47. overly jealous
  48. I am scared please help me. I dont want to be pregnant. :'(
  49. What to say bk?
  50. Pregnant??
  51. Are there porno like this out there?
  52. 99 Things About You/Fun Survey
  53. my girl has lost her confidence. please help.
  54. Is our relationship worth fighting for?
  55. Piercing My Dick?
  56. Unsure
  57. Because of these symptoms could I be pregnant?
  58. Does this make you mad?
  59. I told my girl im not a virgin. can someone help me ?
  60. What do women think of Anal Sex & Errotic Spanking??
  61. How to make yourself Squirt ?
  62. Can my sister be pregnant!!!
  63. Why is it hard for my boyfriend to stay hard the 2ND! time?
  64. Injury in foreskin
  65. Me and my baby
  66. regnancy test 2 weeks and 4 days after sexual intercourse
  67. No period!!ahhh help
  68. My girlfriend has a problem help
  69. hottie or not Chris Pine what do you think?
  70. What would "hammer" mean?
  71. Sudden nausea...
  72. marriage validity
  73. Random Strange Survey
  74. Where is the weirdest/randomest place you...
  75. method to get pregnant?
  76. Sleepy after masterbating
  77. The boy I love is in jail I need advice before it drive me crazy
  78. Do girls masterbate a school?
  79. Does this make me gay?
  80. Why do guys watch porn even if they have a girl friend to have sex
  81. Why ami bleeding after sex when I just finished my period 3days ago
  82. Is it safe to masturbate 1 to 2 times in a day daily?
  83. Yound kids having sex?! Wtf..
  84. Query
  85. Whats it mean when you burn inside during sex?
  86. I need to know
  87. are girls scared
  88. My Boobs Hurt
  89. My boyfriend...&sex
  90. is it bad for me to spy on dad masterbating
  92. Neat Ideas?
  93. Is it normal for me not to cum
  94. Suspicious of having
  95. Bleeding related
  96. 11 inch rock hard
  97. So horny. Please help. This is nothing seedy
  98. Even the littlest advice could help
  99. How to convince my friend to accept homosexuals
  100. Is this funny yes /No