There he blows!!!

My boyfriend thinks that he cums to fast. We have sex a lot. But he sometimes cums soon.

Do you know of anyways that to make this stop happening???

Thank. =)

Answer #1

try slowing down a bit…?

Answer #2

Ok listen right when you think he is going to ummm you know ummm snap, just punch him really hard in the face. Ok now go try this out and tell me what you think.

Answer #3

uhm,I don’t know much but maybe you just make him happy a lil too soon. your appearances maybe?I don’t know but I guess just slow down.

Answer #4

He can mas*erbate a short while before sex (as Dr. Drew says, “Take a bullet out of the chamber.”) Use a condom, if he isn’t already. (And if not, what are you doing for birth control??) Sometimes, numbing cream works.

And finally, maybe he thinks that you are so damn hot that he can’t help popping off quickly!!! Supermodel Amber Smith said on Loveline that she takes it as a compliment if a guy fires quickly. Because he is so excited and aroused that he can’t help it.

However, what do YOU want?? Young guys think that it is macho to be able to pump for 30 min or more, when most women think that 8-14 min. is plenty. After that it becomes uncomfortable. If this is the case, let him know. Good Luck!!

Answer #5

de-sensitizeee. hah. instructions… tell him to gett some lube.. a big bottle[: &wack the hell out of it.. and when he’s getting off, keep goiing, don’t stop and do this as much as he can bare, he’ll build up a tolerance[:

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