Science Questions

  1. End of the world on wed.
  2. the end of the world on wednesday?
  3. What's the word for large rocks on hillsides?
  4. Ozone layer
  5. Charles Darwin and evolution?
  6. Do you believe in aliens??
  7. How is mercury a metal?
  8. Are other planets going to stay like that forever without people?
  9. Physical science
  10. Is glass science?
  11. Whats the difference between kms and miles?
  12. What is the universe? Why are we here?
  13. Black holes
  14. to evolutionists
  15. Cockaroch and a nuclear bomb
  16. nitrogen and mercury
  17. Dimensions do you believe in such a thing?
  18. theory on how the Egyptians built and mastered the pyramids?
  19. If science can already stop aging in an organ, immortality next?
  20. A question about a compass
  21. What does it mean if the sky is yellow?
  22. How did I get one blue eyed baby and one brown eyed?
  23. In the future people will be able to choose their children's looks?
  24. What does jont dalton atomic theory?
  25. Radon Gas movements ?
  26. blackhole theory
  27. Transatlantic Tunnel
  28. Have you ever discovered a bone or fossil?
  29. Cali earthquake?
  30. Is the solar eclipse going to show in the usa 2008
  31. Green, orange, blue, or red strars, what are they?
  32. Moon Phases?
  33. Memories
  34. What does dna stands for?
  35. Compact fluorescent bulbs
  36. Basic characteristics of human beings?
  37. Is God An Alien?
  38. Do you want your own clone?
  39. Why isn't there proof of evolution?
  40. Evolution
  41. Earthquakes on mars
  42. Jupiter And Saturn are they really planets?
  43. Pints to cups
  44. Magic And Science
  45. Dragons who were they and did they really exist?
  46. Why is pluto no longer a planet?
  47. Why isn't fuzzy logic more popular in the education system?
  48. Why do evolutionists act as if their theory is fact?
  49. Why are platypuses mammals?
  50. Schizophrenia and high IQ
  51. Why do we get old?
  52. Massive black holes
  53. Kids will have green, blue, hazel or brown eyes?
  54. Light, is it a wave or particle?
  55. What is the formula for baking soda?
  56. What do you call a person who studies birds?
  57. Chimps using spears!!! - evolution?
  58. 10 litres
  59. Hard math
  60. Favourite planet
  61. Infinite possibility or finite possibility?
  62. Whats the fancy-pants name for the big puffy clouds?
  63. How to build an electric generator?
  64. Where does the universe stop?
  65. Do you age if you are frozen?
  66. Human Evolution
  67. What color is water?
  68. Oscilating Universe Theory?
  69. What is the first living organism?
  70. Has anyone worked on Cadavers before?
  71. Will we ever know the truth about Roswell?
  72. If you could clone yourself would you?
  73. Oil from bug poo?
  74. Does Cell Phone radiation cause brain cancer?
  75. endocrine system
  76. What is the big bang theory?
  77. aliens keep on abducting and doing all these strange
  78. Alien looking through window photo
  79. Someone please explain light refraction...simply!
  80. How many cups are in half a gallon?
  81. Where did everything come from?
  82. Oceans on other planets
  83. Did you know Egyptians have aliens in their drawings?
  84. Intramolecular and intermolecular forces
  85. Scientific breakthrough--water as fuel
  86. The difference between Electronics and Electricals?
  87. Why is ice less dense than water?
  88. Magnetic reversal on earth
  89. When is the next lunar eclipse?
  90. How to make a science project with pulleys levers and wedges?
  91. What causes rust?
  92. How sociologists measure prejudice?
  93. What type of bond is present in copper wire?
  94. How to turn a decimal into a fraction?
  95. How to calculate ki in an enzyme?
  96. A little help with the planets.
  97. Speed of Light
  98. Do you think aliens exist?
  99. The evolution of the appendix!
  100. Chaos theory?