Do you age if you are frozen?

I want to know: If you are frozen, and you keep the same body, and you don’t age in all aspects but time, are you the age you were when you were frozen or the age you would be if you weren’t. Also, If you were given the ability of not aging, say you were 18 and you used the power, in 600 years, would you be 18 or 618?

I think the first one you don’t age, the second you do. What about you?

Answer #1

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

  Age is the passage of time from when someone or something was born or manufactured until a given point in time. So the answer is 618 years old but with the body of an 18 year old.

I don’t know if it has been tried, but, theoretically, you could flash freeze someone and keep them frozen at hundreds of degrees below zero and keep them that way for hundreds of years. Since there would be no cellular decay, it might be possible to thaw them out in the future and cause them to be brought back to life. It isn’t too likely to be tried because nobody wants to voluntarily die to see if it works.

Below is a link to one of the sites that provide such a service for people on the verge of death.

Answer #2

the frozen one: you do age, in the same way that dead people do. if you are frozen, you are dead, think of all of the dead people in the world, their bodies have aged, causing them to decompose. the ice I sth eonly thing keeping the body from doing that, so yes, you still age. the second one: you still age, 618, not 18. you may be have the body of an 18 year old(you mantain the same body, as with the 1st one), but you are on the earth or living or around(however you want to phrase it) for 618 years.

think of it this way: if you take a book printed in 2000 and put it in a plastic covering, then in a glass case and bury it, then have someone dig it up in the year 2121(phil of the future, lol), the book will be121 years old. even if it isn’t alive, it still exists, it hasn’t decomposed or desintigrated. maybe if a dead body desentigrates after a period of time, it is no longer aging because it no longer exists, but as long as you exist, you age.

Answer #3

I’m not asking if it’s possible (looks at annoyingpeopleanonymous and ermical etc), I’m asking if you would age IF it were possible. Pulls hair out in frustration at the fact no-one is giving an exact answer

Use imagination.

Answer #4

What do people think if you couldn’t die? You were just frozen, and when you melt, you are exactly as functional as when you froze.

Answer #5

No, that’s the whole point of being frozen. Like if you put an orange in a freezer, and it freezes, then it doesn’t go off (age) because it’s frozen.

Answer #6

If you are dead then you do not age, but if you are not dead then you will age. Age is not how a body looks but how many miles are on it. And a dead body is only dead.

Answer #7

that’s weird… if you are frozen you’ll be dead but maybe your body will be remained the same after hundred years… I don’t know if it is possible…

Answer #8

Yes, yes you did.

Answer #9

I gave an exact answer.

Answer #10

That isn’t possible anyway, because when you froze, all your bodily functions would shut down.

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