Dragons who were they and did they really exist?

Now I really want you to give this some serious thought.

If you look all around the world in different legends, myths, cave drawings and religious texts you’ll find dragons.

Now just think for a moment. If dragons actually lived on this planet at one time then what creature do we currently know of that resembles them?

I’ll give you a few minutes or how ever long you want to take to think about that question. Give it some serious thought, because I’ll disregard any answer that doesn’t.

Okay so here’s my answer on this question. There is something in this world that does resemble a dragon.

So what is it?

Dragons = dinosaurs

I’ll bet you anything that dragon is just another word for dinosaur and it’s the word that people in our ancient past used to describe them. Remember you live in a different time period and language and words change meaning.

Think about it and give me your answer.


Answer #1

No, it’s not. The evidence is sound - geological ages separate us from the dinosaurs. It’s really hard to get that wrong, unless you ignore all the evidence you don’t like.

Answer #2

LoL -

What you guys don’t understand is that we don’t really know that for sure.

It’s still quite possible that humans lived during the era of dinosaurs.

Answer #3

I think science has pretty much said that man did not exist during the time of dinosaurs, and many civilizations that depict dragons do so millions of years after all the dinosaurs are dead.

I really wish I could remember what it was called, but I saw a show and they showed a giant sea snake that was discovered dead on some beach. I want to say it was over 30ft long. They think it lives really deep in the ocean and sometimes comes up when they die. They think this might explain old stores of sea dragons etc.

Answer #4

Nope. Dinosaurs and humans were not contemporary - millions of years separate them.

Answer #5

I can’t remember what it was called but I saw this awesome documentary/show on dragons it would probably be pretty helpful to you im sure its on youtube

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