Kids will have green, blue, hazel or brown eyes?

I have green eyes and my husband has brown eyes, my mom has brown eyes and my dad has light brown eyes like honey, my husbands mom and dad have brown eyes, both of grandpa’s have colored eyes one has blue and the other has hazel eyes, both of my grandma’s have brown eyes. My husband’s grandparents have brown eyes. My two sisters have colored eyes, one has green eyes and the other hazel eyes. 3 of my cousins from my moms side have green eyes and 2 of them have blue eyes. Do you think that my kids will have green, blue, hazel or brown eyes??

Answer #1

punet squares…

B      B

g- Bg Bg

B- BB BB 0-2-2

its half and half between brown and green but green is recessive and browm is dominant so there is about a 75% chance they will be brown and a 15% chance they might be green.

Answer #2

green…everyone in my family has brown eyes except for my dad and me and my sis have green eyes. My husband has brown eyes and my daughter has green. My sisters husband has brown eyes and both her babies have green eyes!! Green eyes RULE!!

Answer #3

brown eyes are the most dominant compared to most eye pigment colors… but considering you have many light pigment colored eyes in your family hazel is also a good possibility!

Answer #4

I agree with moonstar4ever…I am so lost!! Maybe your kids will have blue,green, hazel and brown all mixed together. a quarter of the eye each colour!!

Answer #5

well I kinda figured it was a tough question. lol. I should just have one already and find out hu? lol. thanks for your opinions… :)

Answer #6

I kinda think it would be brown…your parents and his parents both have brown eyes, but you have green, so it might be green too…but it probably won’t be blue. =]

Answer #7

there is a good chance your kids will have brown eyes because brown eyes is a dominate trait so theres a good possibily for bown eyes

Answer #8

They have a chart called a punnet can figure it out with. Basically you have a 75/25 chance. Since your husband has brown eyes and both his parents do as well he would be a BB -brown being the dominant . You have green eyes so you picked up a recessive gene,but you parents both have brown so you would be represented as Bg. when they cross together you get the combinations BB, BB, Bg, Bg. So Brown is the dominant everytime but there is a 25% chance they will pick up that recessive gene like you did…However I would think that they are more likely to have brown eyes, because Brown is always dominant.

Answer #9

I guess we won’t ever know until the baby comes out lol my mom has brown eyes my dad has them hazel and he has brothers that have green. My husabands dad has brown and his mom hazel. I have brown eyes and my husband has them brown but not dark its more like he almost was gonna have them red lol so like a reddish brown…and we have a 1 year old son that has hazel with grey eyes??? how did that happen…? I dunno lol

Answer #10

im going to answer to answer this with one swift punch.

the color of eyes are actually not accurately predicted unless of corse like every one in the family has one colored eye… but see thats where im an example ( heterochromia- when a person has 2 diffent colored eyes) all of my family on both sides have blue eyes like really ALL of them. normally brown is dominant over blue so they say. but my left eye is nearly half brown half blue and the right is completely blue… so where did that come from and if I have a little brown then how did blue become dominant over it?? so really guess all ya want for fun but its really going to be hard to really get it right its only guessing ^__^

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