Love & Relationships Questions

  1. My boyfriend broke up with me
  2. How do I get my girlfriend back?
  3. What do dreams mean?
  4. How to get my crush's email?
  5. Dating somebody you met on the net?
  6. Reasons: why guys love girls
  7. Decent Women?
  8. I wonder if im the one he fell in love with?
  9. He's gotta girlfriend, I gotta man
  10. Europe and my boyfriend
  11. Had feelings for my ex when he hugged me
  12. What kind of ways are there to pleasure yourself?
  13. Is it too early to kiss?
  14. Trying to be the girl he fell in love with
  15. How to talk around girls?
  16. Why do girls always lie about almost everything?
  17. How to stop us from fighting?
  18. How to tell someone you don't want to do something?
  19. Hookups and breakups
  20. Which person would you choose?
  21. How can I have a better attitude towards my friends?
  22. Do stretchmarks really turn guys off?
  23. We're talking now
  24. kind of guy your into
  25. Do guys care how popular you are?
  26. Why are guys so difficult at this age?
  27. People mistake my friendliness with flirting
  28. Will I grow to love him?
  29. Whats the difference between hooker and prostitute?
  30. Is this love or another infatuation?
  31. Trouble finding a mature guy who will stick around
  32. Why dont I get so mad when I see my ex with another girl?
  33. What's the best way to tell him how I feel?
  34. My crush has a girlfriend!
  35. How do I get this really annoying guy to stop talking to me?
  36. Well There's This Girl
  37. Is he confused about liking me?
  38. Should I go to the funeral,or not?
  39. Why women always choose the wrong guy
  40. What is the best way to relieve stress from liking someone?
  41. What should I tell her?
  42. He Cheated On Me
  43. How do I know this guy is interested?
  44. I love someone else
  45. How should you approach yourself?
  46. Going to miss my boyfriend when he graduates
  47. Would you date out of your race?
  48. I like somone from my job
  49. Friends & boys = bad mix. What do I do?
  50. What is the ideal time for intercourse ?
  51. My boyfriend and his best friend
  52. What should I say to him?
  53. How to get over my boyfriend breaking up with me?
  54. Should I be mad that he texts my friend?
  55. My friends get mad that I don't pay them attention
  56. Why do I keep bitching to him?
  57. Boys with issues
  58. I think im still in love
  59. A good hint to tell him I like him?
  60. Why do guys lead girls on all the the time?
  61. Im so confused, upset, lost.
  62. Should I ask him out or not?
  63. How to tell this guy I like him?
  64. Your friend lied to you + flirted with your brother.
  65. How can I help her?
  66. My friends say he doesn't like me
  67. How to get my boyfriend to try kissing me again?
  68. Good quotes for friendship?
  69. Is it normal to enjoy being naked?
  70. What type of partner would you choose for yourself?
  71. Cute and sweet sayings.
  72. Should I be worried about her life?
  73. guy question,is he putting on an act?
  74. How to quit my porn habit?
  75. What do I do about him?
  76. I'm 8 weeks preg. And the babys father left
  77. Boyfriends behavior that makes you angry?
  78. Why is it easier to talk to people you don't know?
  79. The right thing
  80. Guys what do YOU think about this?
  81. Should I tough it out if I don't like his looks?
  82. What is my boyfriend doing?
  83. What shall I talk about
  84. Why am I not upset about her death?
  85. Arguments Between me and Him
  86. How do you make a girl propose to you?
  87. I like this guy way too much!
  88. Is it stupid to get mad over this situation?
  89. Father v. boyfriend
  90. How to ask my friend out?
  91. Should I tell my friend the truth?
  92. What should I do about this
  93. Is it wrong for your friend to go to mall with your crush?
  94. How can I deal with this?
  95. How do you tell a guy you love him without hurting him?
  96. Should I call him about our one week anniversary?
  97. Date, or not to date?
  98. How can I get over a guy?
  99. What do I do if I really like this girl but I'm shy?
  100. What do I do if I really like this boy in my badminton class?