Why am I not upset about her death?

The little girl I babysit died this morning. She had Fanconi Anemia,and After her transplant in February,she had been battling all kinds of diseases.She finally died this morning. My mom called and told me,and all I could say was “Oh my god,really?!” I feel bad,Like I should be crying and all upset. But I’m not.Maybe it hasnt hit me just yet? What do you guys think?

Answer #1

Like zorbot said, people react differently. There is no right way to react or to feel. It doesnt make you a bad person if you dont cry. Also you said she’s been sick a lot, it isnt completely unexpected. Maybe you’ve been preparing for this possibility all along. Dont worry about it so much.

Answer #2

Because your still in a state of shock, it’ll catch up to you and you’ll get upset eventually. It just takes some people to take it all in longer then it takes others.

Answer #3

this has happened to me before. you’re in shock. you don’t want to believe it, but sooner or later you will and you’ll break down and go through depression. that’s what happened to me. it just hasn’t hit you yet it hasn’t hit your heart that she is actually dead.

Answer #4

People react all kinds of ways to death. Sometimes it depends how close you were to the person, sometimes you feel it is more of a relief since the person was so sick, other times you are just I shock and can’t really believe that the other person is dead. Don’t feel bad about how you feel it’s completely normal. I’m sure you’ll grieve in your own way and when the time comes you’ll feel something more then just disbelief. Be good to yourself, it’s always sad to see the little ones go.

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