Decent Women?

Where are all the descent women? You always hear about this mythical creature who is looking for a good man. I am five months out of a relationship, I was truly in love… she said we weren’t headed in the same direction in life. Which means because I’m 25 and only made 40K a year, even though I am on the way up quick, still wasn’t enough to raise the family she wanted. Well apparently my love was real and hers was…whatever it was… thats enough to scar someone bad. I always treated her like a princess and still get stepped on. I’m just looking for someone with passion. Looking good in heals and liking to run are pluses… but not needed. Does this woman exist? Anyone one else sharing similar situations are encouraged to share as well. Thanks in advance.

Answer #1

Yes, she does exist. YOU just have to make yourself available to situations that can expose you to her.

Answer #2

that women is out there.dont stress about money.m0ney is evil when its involvd in a relati0nship.carry 0n getting t0 the t0p 0f y0ur j0b f0r y0urself and y0ur future…tip:dont search for her,she will find you.

Answer #3

I’m decent but only 18. Try getting on those dating websites or personal ads. Good luck!

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