What is my boyfriend doing?

Welll…today I came to my boyfriend’s freshman baseball team game with a couple of my friends. We came a little later than we thought we would, we were supposed to get there around 11 but we ended up getting there around 11:15…and the game ended about 10 minutes later…great… Well my boyfriend told me that he wouldn’t be able to talk to me much because his parents were going to be there and he hadnt told them about us yet (long story short…a few days before he asked me out he had his arm around me and we were talking…my parents flipped out and called him parents…yes it was embarrassing…and he didnt think that his parents would be ok if he was going out with a girl whose parents didnt approve…but a few days before the game I told my parents and they were ok with it…just some background info) Well then I go up to him after the game after his parents went down the hill and I was liike “hey, haha the game ended like, 5 minutes after we came..” And hes like “yea…I gotta go.” Great…so he basically blew me off I am pretty mad right now So I dont know…is this normal guy behavior…and should I break up w/him? Ok, so yes this might seem stupid but it is important to me Also lately he has been pretty distant All his texts are 2-4 words long… But I still like him… =[ Please help! Also this is just recently I know hes a really sweet and nice guy and I dont know whats up!

Answer #1

Maybe his parents were waiting for him, or maybe he was just in a hurry… or maybe he was blowing you off and has been distancing himself in hopes you’ll break up with him only way to find out which one it is is by talking to him…

Answer #2

Communication is key in a relationship, don’t break up with him without talking to him about the situation. See what he says about it, maybe he had to go. Nothing is “normal guy behavior” they are all different.

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