Love & Relationships Questions

  1. What is a porn website where I can find videos about spanking and/or play rape (or whatever it's called)?
  2. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  3. how do i respond to someone who is talking about my best friend? i cant just stand there and watch...
  4. What do I do if your ex acts like a jerk everytime?
  5. what do i do to calm my boyfriend down and bring him back to normal?
  6. Is it a good place to get fingered in the park?
  7. what will turn a guy on over text?
  8. what is he really thinking right now?
  9. How do i tell my girlfriend my life secrets?
  10. How do I deal with my friend dating my girlfriend from a year ago?
  11. Why do some guys perfer to text instead of talking on the phone?
  12. Does it mean anything specific if a guy can openly hug other girls but doesn't hug you?
  13. what would u do if the guy u reallllllyyyy like is your best friend but liikes this total bitch and she keeps hurting him??
  14. How could my boyfriend of 2 & a half years care less about spending time with me?
  15. How am I supposed to know how a guy feels about me if he's giving me mixed signals?
  16. who thinks its wrong to date through internet??
  17. What does this mean ? A guy used to like fingered me then said I was thick , what does that mean? In reference to my vagina
  18. Who else hates people who only think about themselves when it comes to feelings?
  19. why does it bleed?
  20. is it okay for a guy to nit pick at his girlfriends clothes all the time?
  21. what should me & my friend do when we hang out in a bit ?
  22. Why do I feel it's the right thing to tell Frankie a big HELL NO when he finally ask me out?
  23. Why does a girl just stop loving you after nearly 4 years together?
  24. what do you think of girls skateing?
  25. Is it ok for a young teenager to look at porn?
  26. What would Your Reaction To This Be (guys) ?
  27. Is it a turn off, if a gal calls and arranges a time as well as day for the dude to hang out?
  28. whats a cute nickname i can give my friend tanner?
  29. Are guys intimidated by a girl that dances really well?
  30. Does he even know how bad it hurts to talk to him?
  31. Why would a guy's cum taste ashy?
  32. How can i stop caring about stuff like this??
  33. Why are females so darn condescending?
  34. What do guys really mean when they say "Let's hang out soon"?
  35. What would you call thiss?
  36. would you ever ask someone out as a joke? Like a prank jus to see how the person reacts.
  37. How to get over someone u been with for over 2yrs.?
  38. when feeling up a girl 4 the first time do u go under the bra?
  39. Is it bad to like a younger guys?
  40. Why hasn't it broken?
  41. what boys are the best,how do you kno if he is true or not?
  42. What's wrong with my friend and me ?
  43. Why do we have to be disgusted of cousin romances?
  44. how can i forget someone i loved for real?
  45. my best friend hates one of my other friends and so i was kinda mean to my other friend aswell how do i appolagise
  46. ive just started getting with someone, but he's going on holiday for 2 weeks, what should i do?
  47. How much does it hurt when a grls cherry is popped? Is it better to go fast and get it over with or take your time?
  48. Do white guys like south asian (indian, pakistani) girls? - juss wondering :) -- no racism intended :) ! <3
  49. Why is it that every guy I like likes me then goes and likes someone else?
  50. What's an orgy?
  51. Is it ok to have a crush on a teacher?
  52. why do i like older guys? i mean, dam im turned on by alan rickman. he is soo hot but my friends dont see why i like him.
  53. What kinda guy do girls typically perfer?
  54. how do you approach a guy you like with out like scaring him?
  55. How do you get a handjob off your girlfriend outside of the bedroom?
  56. how could i know that someone is in love with me?
  57. i still love my ex but im very shy to approach him . does he need to know my feelings if he forgot me already?
  58. Are couples that argue about little things better then couples who never argue?
  59. What should I do about my boyfriend taking his nieghbor girl to school everyday?
  60. how do i be flirt and touchy with a girl whos my friend?
  61. How do i not get mad at my boyfriend?
  62. i been going out with this guy for about 3 months and i really into him but hes not the same way he was when we first started going out..should i end it?
  63. We've known each other for nearly 4 months, and we instantly clicked and flirted all over the place, according to my friends anyway.
  64. How do I find out where I stand with some? Is there a spark between us?
  65. Would you think It's bad If you date ya Ex's cousin ?
  66. How can i stop being so nervous?
  67. do balck girls like white meat?
  68. how long should i finger her, if its both our first time?
  69. Do guys like girls with a little extra baggage, weight wise?
  70. Is there any guys out there that won't cheat?????
  71. Is there any guys out there that won't cheat?????
  72. Does he really like me, or is he just playing along, because I mentioned I was still in love?
  73. how do you fill a empty hole that is called love? I feel so lonely! help please!
  74. what is your sickess fantasies?
  75. how to get an orgasam without anybody else helping?
  76. Do guys really have that instinct where they know who they'll marry?
  77. what are the benefits of having a boyfriend who's in the marines ?
  78. how do i get my boyfriend so excited and hot and wanting more?
  79. what: is it true that girls get turned off when they smell a guys colonge but they can get turned on when they smell perfume?
  80. why ! everytime i give bj to my bf he always wants me to keep the cum in my mouth n spit it out instead of cummin on a tissue ... what are yur thoughts on this
  81. what does it mean if a guy tells you he likes you but is not ready to be with you?
  82. what does it mean if a guy says he likes you but he isnt ready to be with you?
  83. Why is it that nowadays, boys look at appearance instead of personality?
  84. What do i do.There is this guy i know from highschool, and he used me when i was young and stupid.
  85. how do u know if your 'cherry' has pooped??
  86. i still haven't gotten over the guy i dated 8 months ago....
  87. What are good reason for why someones matters so much for you?
  88. how to get the final hint that he likes me?
  89. what can you do if you think a guys into you?
  90. What do I do about my bf whos going to do MDMA this weekend even though he knows I really don't want him to?
  91. Who knows what I should do about my boyfriend and I's relationship?
  92. How far have u gone wit ur bfs?
  93. How do I cuddle with my boyfriend in a movie theater?
  94. why want my friends gf suck his pecker?
  95. what are the points on here for? do you get something?
  96. What do you call a girl who breaks up with one boy then goes out with another right after that and has continued to do that for five months?
  97. How do i get a boyfriend ??
  98. why am i thinking about the guy that i had my first kiss with?
  99. whats the best way to tell him how i feel without getting my feelings hurt....ive known him 4 a while but im ready to take the next step
  100. how can i tell him how i feel