Who knows what I should do about my boyfriend and I's relationship?

He’s a sweet guy, with asshole tendencies. He loves me a lot, and I know that. He makes, and has made a lot of sacrifices to be with me. Our relationship is still new, but I find myself not knowing what to do because we’re so different. He also doesn’t have much time for me due to his obsession with World of Warcraft, and spends lots of time with his friends, not that I mind. I wish he wanted to talk to me as much as I do him. I just don’t know what I should do about us being so different, considering I don’t want to end it.

Answer #1

well as a player of wow my self the advice i can give you… should be more benifitial.

talk to him. tell him everything you just asked strangers.. ask the man you are in a relationship with… i honestly don’t understand how i can be more clear. you and him communication is everything… make him understand what you feel inside… and realize that the onlything more suckish than losing him is doing nothing and losing him. and opposites atract yuh know? just try and find a common ground… OMG you’re both humans….. start there. :) unless he’s a nightelf or something… hope i helped

Answer #2

Thank you. I really appreciate it. :)

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