Love & Relationships Questions

  1. When is a good time to let my boyfriend know i want to do more?
  2. Why wont my well i guess i could call him my bf sorta but anyways why wont he let me give him head????
  3. is it normal for me to feel jealous when my bf chills with his other friends?
  4. what are some flirty/cute things to do to the guy you like?
  5. How can i give him hints that i have a crush on him....?
  6. What would you do if you found out your bf/gf was on a dating website?
  7. Why are some guys players?
  8. what should i do i really like a guy and were goin to movies tonight and he just told my best friend were datin?
  9. what does friends with befits mean and is it the same thing as a fuck buddy or something?
  10. what should I do, if I like a guy but he has a girlfriend, and every time I see him I smile and then think about him? I don't to have this feeling :(
  11. why are guys soo confusing?
  12. what should be done if there is girl want to destroy your relationship with you girl friend?
  13. How do you resist someone so perfect, who's willing to have you?
  14. Why is it that sometimes we fall in love with the wrong person?
  15. What is the best way to tell your bf/gf it's over?
  16. Is it okay to be flirty?
  17. Have you ever dated someone younger than you?
  18. What are the different ways that guys show the like girls ?
  19. What do you do when your girlfriend isn't afraid to take the next step anymore?
  20. What does it mean when you tell a Boyfriend or something>/ & you tell them how much you care. & they start to cry.?
  21. what are awkward questions to ask a boyfriend
  22. Who do I marry?
  23. What is a really good book? Or your favorite book? im going on a plane tomorrow for like 8 hour so i want to get a good book.
  24. Is there anyone good with scripts that can help me with mine?
  25. How long before you knew you were in love?
  26. what should i do the guy i really like and have been bestfriends with for 6 years is in jail?
  27. How do they choose who becomes an advisor?
  28. how do i support my boyfriend?
  29. What should i do when my boyfriend and one of my guy friends dont get along?
  30. Do you have the same friends after high school?
  31. how do i get a girl to be more comfortable around me?
  32. When will I know if a girl is ready to take a relationship farther?
  33. What should I do, im scared to love again...?
  34. How do I get my man to be way less "GENERIC" in the bedroom?
  35. Does ones friend say a lot about who they are as a person?
  36. Does anyone else think girls are way more annoying then guys?
  37. Is it bad to break up with your Boy friend over the phone if we don't hangout?
  38. Why is he touching me when we are not even going out?
  39. How often is enough or not enough to see the person your in a relationship with?
  40. How do i stop being a jealous gf ?
  41. when you have mixed feelings for someone is it a bad time to break up or a warning sign that you need to break up?
  42. What do I do about my friends boyfriend (who also happens to be my best friend)?
  43. My boyfriend dosent want to be with me anymore how can I get him back??
  44. What should I do with a friend who's so caught up in her gf that she can't even pay attention to me unless I approach her first?
  45. What can I say to my best friend who's little brother is in the hospital?
  46. Is it wrong to hate your guy's obnoxious best friends?
  47. How do i stop going on the b0ner while hugging, meeting or kissing my girlfriend ?
  48. Can you give me as much tips as possible about feeling my girlfriends boobs ?
  49. What should i do for my bf when he comes back?
  50. How does a guy feel about their girlfriend watching porn?? (or a girl who watches porn in general.)
  51. Is it like illegal for a 17 year old to date a 13 year old? Cuz I'm trying to tell someone it is but he doesnt believe me.
  52. Who knows about the website xtube?
  53. how do i get someone to ask me to dance? our dance is in a few weeks.. and i want someone to ask me to slow dance .. how can i give them hints .. thanks!
  54. How can i get my first kiss?
  55. is fingering my self okay? and what else can i use besides my finger?
  57. who thinks i am being unresonable?
  58. When we were drunk and on our own my friend put my finger in my mouth a few times... what does this mean? she is gay and we are both girls
  59. is it bad to have changed?
  60. how can i tell my boyfriend i've been self-harming for years now?
  61. What does it mean when your boyfriend absolutely loves to put his arm around your waist?haha I don't have a problem with it...I just want to see what it means
  62. What can i do with my crush that doesn't involve going to our houses?
  63. Is It Weird Tat I Get Turned On By Les Porn But Im striaght?
  64. what do you think of moving with a guy like this?
  65. Is kissing alot of different guys in less than 3 hours bad 4 you??
  66. Do guys like it when you bite or rub your teeth gently on their tongue when kissing?
  67. how do i get a bf iv im home skooled!>|???
  68. How do you award points on funadvice?
  69. why can't boys be easy?
  70. is it possible to be really scared of someone even if you haven't met him yet and you just chatted?
  72. what is a great acne product to use?
  73. How do women feel when they re approached by a stranger on d road?
  74. What can i do? My husband still sending mails to his ex; saying that he still in love with her.
  75. why do guys do this?
  76. Why were women thought of as objects or, not persons to begin with?
  77. so i have a big boy problem
  78. How can I not be jealous of my friends? I try really hard but I still am....
  79. Did i make the right decison with him?
  80. How do you get over someone you really liked but doesnt like you back?
  81. Can putting a lollipop in your vagina give you any infection?
  82. what is a good first car to buy?
  83. Who else thinks the "funadvice" logo needs an upgrade?
  84. why some divorced young men love to marry virgins?
  85. can my soulmate be married to someone else before meeting me?
  86. What should I do after making out with my friends boy toy?
  87. my boyfriend loves it when i finger myself infront of him, but he asked me if he could video it! i am 14, what shall i say?
  88. When will the points on here turn into real cash?
  89. Friends With Benefits?
  90. When you have guys that is 5 yrs older than you are but in love with him.... what do you do?
  91. How do I get a new social circle?
  92. How can trust be reestablished?
  93. What's a good way to try and convince my mom to give my cell phone back? lol
  94. What do u do when ur bf is not that great of a kisser?
  95. What do i do? I dont want this girl at my birthday party?
  96. How do I get over a guy that won't leave me alone and tells me the sweetest things?
  97. How can you contact the dead without a ouija board?
  98. Is it weird i'm still sending my boyfriend texts even though he's in jail?
  99. Is Kim Kardashian obsessed with dating black men?
  100. Does JoJo aka Joanna Levesque likes to date black guys or no?