Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Any ideas for a pressent for my boyfriend?
  2. Girlfriend
  3. I need help wit this girl
  4. love love
  5. Sneezing Smell
  6. What's the thing you hate most about dating?
  7. why dose my heart broken twice
  8. need some friends
  9. im realy reliant on my boyfriend
  10. underage
  11. confused (bout him)
  12. this guy is impossible.
  13. Fallen for my friend
  14. Difficult situation...I like my ex's friend, and it's mutual
  15. To Old?
  16. how do you get a boy to be your friend?
  17. My boyfriend is concerned
  18. I madeout with friends boyfriend
  19. what to do with friends like this
  20. how can I get over him
  21. just asking
  22. a boy always looks at me is he loves me
  23. What are good positions for girls when they get fingered?
  24. Skaters or Preps?
  25. Dudee I hateee myy lifeee
  26. Free tickling porn?
  27. What do I say to him to make him feel better?
  28. Large Vagina Lips
  29. For Yall singles!
  30. do you wear a padded bra? I do!
  31. does marcel still like me
  32. how should I do this?
  33. Is it really cheating?
  34. meant to be or break up?!?!?!
  35. my crush is ignoring my textes.
  36. asking her out...
  37. how do I stop "flirting" when people say im not.. wtf!?
  38. do you think I might still have a chance?
  39. A Dream I Had if your lazy don't read its long...
  40. Guys can be so horny!
  41. xxx tickling!
  42. It happened 2 dffrnt nights.. when exactly did he pop my cherry??
  43. Mad Women
  44. should I belive him
  45. best friends ex
  46. fiqhtinqq with thisz qirl.
  47. Proper Friend Ettiquette
  48. what should I ask him???
  49. what are usually things to say whwn you ask a girl out?
  50. have you ever fought with your best friend for a guy.
  51. Love: How can you tell?
  52. found out all my friends are backstabbing wh*res?
  53. What the weirdest thing your boyfriend/girlfriend has ever said to
  54. If he denies you ??
  55. what is an amazing girl like??
  56. why are guys such pigs?!
  57. friend problem
  58. What do you think about this letter??
  59. I need advice before someone gets hurt
  60. How does a girl touch you?
  61. boyfrrieeennd
  62. about my boyfrind
  63. hornysleep
  64. prude?
  65. I feel so alone, I dont know what to do anymore? =[
  66. what should I do?
  67. I love the show Monk!!!
  68. ex is friends with my friends???
  69. Ew..this girl gets all the attention.
  70. how can I tell if a guy likes me?
  71. lie to say when you all a sudden can't make a date?
  72. I like three different people
  73. Like?
  74. guys and girls answer please
  75. Asking all 13/14 year old teens! Click here! I need help!
  76. Replacement bff ;(
  77. Best boy ... :\
  78. im not sure is hes into me?
  79. Whats a boys dream girl ?
  80. is it wrong to ask a boy out ?
  81. saturday night
  82. friend dating ex
  83. my boyfriend wants me to marry him
  84. Voodoo
  85. I'm the only one who hasn't been asked out
  86. Parents & Long Distance Relationship
  87. 10yrs 2 late
  88. should I like him
  89. Do I Seem Attractive (to girls)
  90. ex-girlfriend been talkin to another guy
  91. did he pop my cherry??
  92. What is this Bizarre Behavior?
  93. When she says No
  94. Feeling a girl up
  95. How to break up
  96. HELP!!! my ex is telling everyone!!!
  97. How can I get over him?
  98. im too shy
  99. what do you call a guy
  100. every shy girl I talk to who likes me doesn't respond why?