love love

I love my boyfriend more t han life itself and I know its the same for him but he is going to high school and I am afraid to loose him pleeze help


Answer #1


  1. If you’re really that in love, don’t worry a bit. If either of you have any doubts, well… good luck

  2. This leads me to believe he’s going to be a freshman and you’re still in middle school right?

REAL STATISTICS!! The average person “falls in love” 7 times before they get married. About 50% of all marriages end in divorce.

You love and em and you lose em. That’s the way it goes. I really do wish you the best of luck, but at that age, you don’t know who you are, let alone someone else. Besides, there’s going to be a lot of changes going on with both of you. Chances are, no matter what you do, you’ll out grow each other.

Answer #2

you just have to try to see him as much as possible, and you have to try to keep the communication going strong… it will be VERY hard, since your used to seeing him at school.. things are gonna b a lot different, but you will get used to it after awhile… and make sure you guys trust each other…

Answer #3

whoa what ? how big is the age diff is its that big then you guys shouldn’t be concerned youll lose him and find a new boy toy

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