
I’m 15, and still haven’t made out. a few guys tried awhile ago. but I was too nervous cause it was like 7th and 8th graade. now im a freshmen and all my friends have madeout.. and a lot of them are advancingto even more stufff. a lot of the guys I was friends with would laugh about how I havent done stufff. and then hte guy I really liked and he liked me ddnt want to makeout when I was finallly ready because I never have before.. buti dont want to with just anybody and I just moved so I dont know anybody welll and I want my first time to be with someone im comforable with that way its not so embarressing if I suck… what should I do?! thankyou,

im so pathetic ahaha

Answer #1

ok I didnt make out until I was 15 and that was only because I was drunk its not the same if its not with someone you like just ignore those guys,

btw its random but I find it so wierd that your a freshman at 15 im only just 16 and im a high school senior lol and im going to college soon but I guess its different in america

Answer #2

hahaha, I live in america tooo. that is weird that youd be a senior then haha

but thannnkyoou for the advice guys.

Answer #3

Don’t worry about it, it’ll come naturally, you kinda just kiss a lot then start using tongue ect. Some people have different ways to do it and you’ll catch on fast. But I was 16 and a junior before I actually made out with a girl (but I’ve kissed plenty) and my friend is almost 17 and is a junior and still hasnt kissed a boy lol so dont worry about it, it will be easy after a few times.

Answer #4

Don’t worry about it. It shouldnt b that important. Im sure your anxious to get your sexual like started in some ways, think your ready for it. But I did have my first kiss till I was over 16. Yes, I know it frusterating to wait, but I think since I waited till 16 that it helped me. Cause once you get a boyfriend and staret kissing and makingout the urge to do more is there and u may go really fast. So the older you are the more prepared to handle these things either to ready to do them or even better, have the strength and logic to say no. Thats my reasoning. your doing fine the way you are. Dont rush into anything even if it seems small like a kiss or makeout.

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