meant to be or break up?!?!?!

ok. well I never see myboyfriend, imto busy, we fite all the time, all we do is text if that, we dont really ever have much to talk about, latley I’ve been treating him like crap but he still hasnt dumped me , I know he’s getting fed up as well but still wont break up with me why is that.. we’ve been dating 4 about 3 months and onlyseen each other 7 times since. whatdo I do… I like him but I dont think its working but im afraid if we break up ill miss him to much.

Answer #1


Answer #2

well really that’s not a really it looks like is not working out..

but give it a try and try meeting up in places and stuff like that so you could spend time with him and fix your problems.

Answer #3

It’s pretty obvious that you two shouldn’t be together.

As for you treating him like crap…that’s pretty unacceptable.

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