How to break up

Ok me and my boyfriend have been going togetha for about 3weeks and im just gettin tired of him…I want to break up wit him but hes more sensitive and I usually date the I guess you could say “thug” type and with them its just an “its ova” but I really dont want to hurt his feelings soo I need a nice way to break up with him

Answer #1

firstly you just need to know how to approach him about this : Take a deep breath and try not to stress about it too much-it will only make things harder on you. Don’t be too mean about it, like saying he is totally horrible or you are too good for him. Look him in the eye and just tell him you don’t want to continue the relationship. Guys think it’s cool when a girl can still be cool with him and not be a total snob. Guys also don’t like the line “let’s just be friends”. After the break up, ask him questions like a friend would. It will show him you’re not being a standoff about the break-up and you can also be a great friend. You may have to wait before this step. Let him make the first move toward being friends again. When you decide to break up with him, do it in private and don’t beat around the bush. Try to be “ stern” yet kind when you break up. You want him to know you still have decent feelings towards him, but you don’t want to send mixed messages. Make sure you still want to be friends. If you don’t, just tell him it’s not working out how you thought it would, and that you’ll see him around. Voilá; you just broke up. Break up in person. Myspace and AIM DO NOT COUNT. Do it on the phone if you can’t see him in person.

also : Remember to take a DEEP breath when you do this. Don’t think too hard about it, just be who you are and say it nicely. If you’re really nervous, do what ever makes you comfortable, and try not to think about it. Make sure you really want to break up with him, and make sure you are totally cool about it even if the reason sucks!just be nice If he looks upset tell him how you really feel and see if that helps a little bit then see how he is feeling about this

hope I helped :)


Answer #2

Tell him that he was a good fella, but he is probably best for someone else. Tell him that you don’t feel that you deserve such a great person, but that there is a girl somewhere out there that does, and he will deserve her as well. Tell him that the person isn’t you, and you know it for sure. Perhaps set him up with someone willing to go out with him before dumping him? she can’t be a rebound, but just someone who is willing to take over the reins… know what I’m getting at?

Answer #3

I say come about it slowly. If he was a good guy atleast…make sure you tell him that and just explain your reasons why. The “what he/she dont know wont hurt him/her” doesn’t work. I hate that fn line. No it’s worse finding out later that something happed way earlier. It’s better off you end it now fi thats how you feel don’t wait it only brings more pain fi they found out you stayed with them longer just because you felt bad.

Answer #4

there isnt really a nice way to break up with someone because either way the other person will be hurt but the best thing you can do is be honest with him and tell him you want to break up because your getting tired of him, or bored or any other reasons say your sorry but its just not working out and you dont feel happy in the relationship and if he was a nice guy tell him that and that you wish him all the best

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