Politics & Law Questions

  1. Do you know what is Islam???
  2. When did world war 1 end
  3. Taliban taking more control of Pakistan
  4. Aberham lincoln
  5. Usa always has to be the big brother for the other countries.
  6. Illegal Police Search?
  7. Legal to have cameras in toilets
  8. Who thinks jacob zuma will mack a great president
  9. Copyright laws
  10. Rebel flaggg!
  11. Socialist
  12. what is your opinion of smoking weed?
  13. is this a good speech about child labor?
  14. What will be the effect ?
  15. The world is turning worst
  16. Where do we stand now ?
  17. If I am gay where can I get married?
  18. mayb you dont like obama but what do you think about his wife...
  19. what is the big deal with israel?
  20. Gun Posseession
  21. Texas becoming own country?
  22. What do you think??
  23. Torture prosecution
  24. our recession .. can yu give me some facts
  25. Obama picked you too help him with beinging peace?
  26. how many signatures do you need on a petition
  27. Government Mind Control?!?
  28. Texas governor wants to secede, what is he thinking?
  29. What do you generally think of Barack Obama ?
  30. Can you believe obama said...
  31. Told you guys people didnt like Obama
  32. us histroy question about vietnam
  33. who takes over when the vice president dies?
  34. what is the things??
  35. Capital Punishment
  36. if you were the judge...
  37. murder???
  38. Ideas for curbing piracy off the coast of Somalia
  39. Gay Marriage: Where's the Threat?
  40. Socialism, Socialism, Socialism
  41. Dreams from my father conspiracy
  42. Thanks but no thanks
  43. Isn't it great to set the example ?
  44. What do you mean "The Paradox of Asking a Masked Man Who He Is"?
  45. do you think obama is a good prezzy?
  46. Does anyone agree?
  47. Lately The People have been Talking about Guns...
  48. americans so pretective of the constitution Say no to guns
  49. Do you think the economy is getting better in 5 months.
  50. Good idea or Bad idea ?
  51. imigration to America
  52. princess iran persia
  53. Mary Tudor = Mary Stuart or not?
  54. Every time a penny is made, it increases the national debt
  55. Terrorists in New York
  56. take the right to carry a gun out of the constitution?
  57. What has happened to the citizens of the good ol' USA
  58. homeless people what could I do
  59. why troops in iraq should be brought back from iraq?
  60. What would you say ?
  61. political stability in Africa
  62. woh thinks usa is the best country in the world
  63. first anti-semitic law passed???
  64. So weird! What do you think???
  65. What Do you Think Of Binghamton,NY???
  66. against the law drive while on the phone in Florida?!
  67. sealing your juvinile record the same as expunging it?
  68. ok to bring animals into war?
  69. Politically Interested?
  70. April 15th coming, if you don't pay will you also get a pass ?
  71. Which class is affected the most ?
  72. North Korea
  73. If the FBI breaks your door down do they have to pay for it?
  74. could they arrest you for underage drinking?
  75. Is it the Governments business to get into private businesses ?
  76. Is an ideological agenda being put ahead of the requisites needed f
  77. what laws protect Okefenokee Swamp?
  78. How old is the President
  79. What can you do when children is involved in Prostitution
  80. think of legal prostitution how will it affect a countree.?
  81. G20 meeting
  82. Genocide?
  83. what happens when you miss jury duty in Dade county Florida?
  84. What was America's watershed moment?
  85. Sup with lien obama?
  86. how did child labor effect society
  87. japan and ww2!
  88. political correctness in school and life, breaking laws?
  89. America vs. the ism's
  90. Prison system
  91. why we couldnt all just be one country
  92. If the US attacks north korea, they attack japan is that true?
  93. Do you think anything like the Holocaust will ever happen again?
  94. New at 7-11, sign that says that credit card fraud is a felony?
  95. how did russia obtain all that land, and become so huge?
  96. Not all about oil afterwards
  97. Immigration from europe to the us, how would they travel?
  98. weed vs beer
  99. immigration in the US
  100. who is friends with wallstreet?