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is this a good speech about child labor?
its about child labor, if you want to correct me in any way I would really appreciate it. spelling and grammer dont count.
How often do you think child labor laws are still violated? Today we think that child labor is pretty much gone but is still a very big issie in other countries. Children are expected to do work at such an early age. The idea that children are expected to do work is increaing in developing countries.All over the world children do dangerous work such as working in mines or with chemicals and pesticides when working with machinery. This could cause exploitation. girls who have worked as domestic servantsare especially vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. Poverty however is the main reason that causes child labor. Children who are poor are usually expected to do work and one of the main jobs for children were farming jobs, which is very dangerous. A disaster on a farm could be a life changing event On farms children do dangerous activities like operating machinery. Farm machinery causes 85% of all machinery related deaths to children. So because of exploitation and abuse child labormust be stopped with appropriate laws.
Good idea and a good speech, but a little more needed, try and pinpoint the countries mostly employing child labour, use the word ‘exploitation’, , draw comparisons with our own countries about how far we’ve come since ending child labour in the 20th century,especially Victorian times when children worked down mines and cleaned chimneys , and mention asking governments to put pressure on third world Asian countries where there is no law against child labour, including children being crippled in order to earn more money by begging, the main bulk of childrens rights are helped by charities such as the nspcc, find out the names of other charities worldwide, and perhaps state that government should do more, slavery was made illegal a century ago, why not child slavery, I think you’ve a great idea for a speech, try and mention other ways children have to work in slavery , and surprise people by saying a few things they may not be aware of. Franklyn.
Do not believe that child labor violations are not happening in this country. Migrant workers are usually helped by their young children who move from place to place, picking our crops. The rug industry is also very bad. I will only purchase rugs that have labels saying they are not woven by child labor. Check out the rugmark foundation for quite a bit of info on child labor.
from their site… “Child Labor Problem Around the world, millions of children have never had a childhood. They are forced to work, sometimes as child laborers, sometimes as virtual slaves. This practice is illegal and just plain wrong.
Child labor is a crime committed against nearly 220 million children, or one in every seven, ages 5 to 17, around the world. The majority are girls in the Asia Pacific region.
Many of the worst forms of child labor are a problem in India, Nepal and Pakistan, where RugMark operates. These include child trafficking, commercial sexual exploitation, bonded child labor, child domestic work and the recruitment and use of children for armed conflict or drug trafficking.
Demand for child labor is so high that desperate parents sell their children into bondage. According to UNICEF, 14% of children in India between the ages of 5 and 14 are engaged in child labor activities including carpet production.
Many of the worst forms of child labor are a problem in India, Nepal and Pakistan, where RugMark operates. These include child trafficking, commercial sexual exploitation, bonded child labor, child domestic work and the recruitment and use of children for armed conflict or drug trafficking.
While some people mistakenly think it is better when all members of a family work, child labor actually makes poverty worse. Child workers come cheaply and sometimes at no cost, and drive down wages for adult laborers. Plus children who work forfeit an education that could have helped them achieve a higher standard of living as adults. Child laborers are vulnerable to exploitation and abuse, are subject to long hours of physically demanding and unrelenting work, and suffer from deprivation and poor health.
The first part of the 21st century is a defining time for the movement to end child labor. Anti-child labor organizations have grown and have gained enough international support to declare some victories: child carpet weavers in South Asia have declined from one million in 1995 to an estimated 300,000 today; the ILO Convention 182 on the “Worst Forms of Child Labor” passed in 1999; and the Trade and Development Act of 2000 clarifies that the U.S. ban on articles made with forced and/or indentured labor includ goods made with forced or indentured child labor. “
We must ask, how did these children get into the labour? Some are tricked by the factory owners who say that they and their family will get enough money and care. The children go along, thinking that all will be ok, and before you know it, they are shackled to carpet looms or locked in a gunpowder room. Some families become indebted to factory owners, often promising their child’s labour in order to pay for a wedding or as a mortgage.
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