Finance, Jobs & Money Questions

  1. Can i become a registered nurse with a junvelile shoplifting record?
  2. What jobs have you had in the past, what job do you currently have, and what is your dream job?
  3. how old do you have to be to get a job in adelaide, south australia, australia ?? im tuning 14 in 51 days and really need some extra money
  4. Who else is from glasgow?
  5. Why are rich people such snobs?
  6. What are some careers/jobs that will usually always have a secured spot?
  7. What kind of fighting style does the United States Marine Corps use?
  8. Where is the best place in the United States to get a job?
  9. Can I get paid for an apprenticeship as a piercer?
  10. what are the people who help backstage at a play called?
  11. where are some teen hotspots in Atlanata?
  12. I wanna get a motorcycle but my dad said to wait till i get at lease 5000$ in the bank,
  13. What do you usually order at Burger King/McDonalds? hmmm....
  14. What is a social worker?
  15. how do i get my mom to let me and my 18 year old boyfriend come in my room when he comes over?? please helpp mehh.
  16. how much money would be good?
  17. where can a 14 year old work in Orlando,Fl for the summer?
  18. Is it better to stay at a job you hate for secure pay, or leave it for a job you love with no guarantee?
  19. Who knows how much Walmart starts off paying?
  20. why would a weed smoker of 6 years straight start having panic attacks everytime ??????
  21. How much do I need to keep an account at Wells Fargo open?
  22. How much money do you get from part time or full time from being a voice actor?
  23. Do you think it's right to stay at a job you absolutely hate?
  24. What are good leagal weekend jobs that pay a decent amount of money?
  25. If I want to do refugee work in 3rd world countries, should I join the navy, army, or police force?
  26. What is a good Navy College in the USA?
  27. What does the future hold for the euro?
  28. What am i supposed to say on this job application?
  29. How do i get a babysitting job over the summer, so i can save money to go to college. Oh and im 15 years old, and a job in my area.?
  30. do you think top sport stars earn far too much money from sport?
  31. What are those people called that study dreams?
  32. What is remarketing?
  33. 401 k and credit union are the same thing in a job or they are very different things? if anybody knows tell me please, thank you.
  34. Is there a real chance for a girl with a cleft pallet to become a model?
  35. what should i spend my $200 on?
  36. What's good to wear for a job interview during the summer?
  37. How do I calculate the money I loose every time I exchange currencies?
  38. how do i get a scholarship?
  39. Who has worked at an Achor Blue clothing store? Did you like it?
  40. How to increase my Adsense revenue?
  41. Has any one ever applied for McDonalds? If so how lond did it take ffor them to get back to you?
  42. how do you volunteer verseas for free, because every website i look at is demanding a large amount that i will have to pay to volunteer which is stupid ?
  43. Can you be a model with high-instep feet?
  44. Just wondering; Do people get paid if they donate eggs?
  45. Should i become a teacher or beautican?
  46. What would you say if your 35year old boyfriend told u that he wanted to become a party planner?
  47. Who thinks It's rude to ask for money for your birthday and why?
  48. How old do you have to be to do car maintenance or just oil changes in a BMW dealership?
  49. Should size zero models be banned from the runway?
  50. who knows of any legitimate,work from home jobs?
  51. Whats a good bank for me?
  52. What kind of poses should i ask my models to do for their couple photoshoot?
  53. What is an easy way to make money besides babysitting and lawn mowing?
  54. Why do you have to get fingerprinted to become a licensed bartender?
  55. what does a collections manager at a museum do?
  56. What are some pros and cons to working at large chain retail stores?
  57. Do you need to be cretified to be a babysitter?
  58. What are some things I can do for money around your neighborhood for easy cash?
  59. Can't get a job-felony conviction 6-7 years ago. Everytime I go on an interview I am turned down because I am a felon. Any suggestions?
  60. which is better, doctors or lawyers/judges?
  61. what is the best ways a college kid if employed already can make money?
  62. what things do i need to know about when i open my first banking account?
  63. Who else thinks teachers are under paid?
  64. is it true that in 2010 dividend taxes are going to be raised to %15?
  65. Does any know of any companies that hire ex-offenders?
  66. can you check balances on prepaid accounts for multiple numbers?
  67. What shound i save up for?
  68. What steps should I take to become a(n) ultrasound tech.?
  69. Who was the entreprenuer of the year?
  70. Where do I get a tax code/UK?
  71. What are some careers that use physics?
  72. How do I move out when im 17?
  73. How much money do celebrity make-up artists make?
  74. Who thinks party planning would be a good career?
  75. How can a convicted felon join the army?
  76. What jobs can I get with a bachelor's degree in history?
  77. when I do porn with the help me change my body before or after?
  78. What is this job called, nursing for the military?
  79. What are the best modeling agencies in Nashville?
  80. What is the hiring age for mcdonalds in akron ohio?
  81. What does a pornstar do to prepare for a scene?
  82. What are some ways to earn $300?
  83. What Career should I go into ?
  84. How do I make money fast (in the next 2 weeks)?
  85. How hard is it to have a family while in the military?
  86. What kind of savings account is best?
  87. What to use as collateral for a bond?
  88. What happens if a in-debt man dies?
  89. Where can my boyfriend find a job that pays enough 4 us to live together?
  90. What do you do when your boss is a jerk?
  91. Can a person with a flat nose be a model?
  92. What are some good was to earn money for a class?
  93. Can I be arrested from false theft accusations ?
  94. What are some awesome jobs ?
  95. Can I be a social woker in Texas with a felony record?
  96. What daycare job can I find for age 15 in jacksonville?
  97. How much do you get paid in the army?
  98. What is the chance of getting shot in the army?
  99. how and where do DJs get their music?
  100. What is dig money?