Health Questions

  1. Nauseous All The Time
  2. How do I know if I'm having a miss carrige?
  3. Would you recommend Implanon?
  4. When I pee out little drops of blood
  5. Im pregnant and I have been bleeding for 5 days
  6. Is it safe to take sleeping pills while pregnant?
  7. Hospital efficiency, throats and fevers?
  8. my back teeth are kinda sore when I bite down.
  9. chest hurting
  10. Gas Pain
  11. embarassing, girls only
  12. What is this called???
  13. can I go to
  14. my friend that lives upstairs from me CUTS HERSELF
  15. is hepatitis B airborne?
  16. I missed my period but I feel like im going to start am I pregnant?
  17. I'm On Birth Control...But...:)
  18. What is you might get your period late is that possible
  19. My vagina and breasts
  20. My periods have stopped
  21. My breast have grown, from a 12b to a 14 b
  22. Running stemna
  23. ways to get thc out of your system
  24. Misscarrying
  25. I am on the depo-prevera shot can I get pregnant?
  26. Water coming out of my vagina
  27. Twins with weird eye colors
  28. Pregnant with my bestfriend's baby
  29. Is it possible I wont get herpes?
  30. Placental grade
  31. Fetal Bradycardia
  32. Massacist?
  33. Would I be able to get on disability for being bipolar?
  34. Smear test
  35. I have had my period for almost two weeks..
  36. How do you calaculate your menstrual cycle?
  37. Omg anyways I can get rid of cramps pms cramps
  38. I don't know WHAT TO DO
  39. sleeping issues.
  40. Girl in my class rubs here vag and then smells like
  41. Can someone help me im so depressed right now
  42. What wrong with me
  43. A toothache.. Abscessed tooth, indeed.
  44. I'd give my arm to get rid of this toothache.. someone please helpp
  45. Marijuana out of your system
  46. Restless stomach
  47. Lower abdomen pain.
  48. How much are pregnancy tests?
  49. How Can I Relieve A Severe Headache?
  50. Does it harm the baby
  51. Can I get pregnet by doing?
  52. Can you go to the hospital to get an abortion?
  53. I wanna try pot.
  54. Trying 4 a baby fallen pregnant but got raped
  55. Healing Time: 4 Teeth Removed
  56. Why am I feeling so much discomfort?
  57. Is it possible to die from water
  58. Blood comming out of butt?! Help
  59. When can I start my birthcontrol pills?
  60. How long does it take to get pregnant?
  61. Will I have a miscarriage?
  62. Anybody know any home remodies for itchy legs?
  63. Weirdbrown discharge
  64. Why cant I get pregnant after a year of trying?
  65. What happens during an MRI?
  66. Is there any good "techniques" to get rid of a headache?
  67. Which food is the most beneficial to your health?
  68. What does brownish yellow lugie mean?
  69. How can I make my belly infection heal?
  70. What is the best way to fall asleep?
  71. Does smoking grass...?
  72. What does it mean that my stomach gets queazy?
  73. What is this discharge before my period?
  74. Can you find out that you are pregnant after one week?
  75. Whats the longest condom?
  76. Why have I skipped 3 periods ?
  77. Brown discharge after getting fingered, is it normal?
  78. Is it weird that part of my vagina is bigger?
  79. How can I make this cold go away?
  80. What effects does naproxen have on a baby?
  81. I've been on my period now for 5 days, why?
  82. Does this mean my period is coming soon?
  83. What are some symptoms of postpartum depression?
  84. What happens if a baby is miscarried?
  85. Do nipples change when you're developed?
  86. Best sleeping method to get pregnant?
  87. What mentall illness is this?
  88. Why has my period lasted almost 3 weeks?
  89. Why do I feel so tired and depressed?
  90. Why aren't my nipples sensitive anymore?
  91. What are your views on circumcision?
  92. I've been feeling so sad, why?
  93. Are tampons supposed to hurt at first?
  94. Do guys still have semen come out?
  95. Will a tampon work so I can go swimming?
  96. Why are my breasts sore?
  97. How to be more optimistic and happy?
  98. What are the chances of me having diabetes?
  99. Why do I keep needing to use the toilet?
  100. Why don't I have bowl movements when I eat healthy?