Does it harm the baby

Ok im 14 and I think I might be pregnant. I only just lost my virginity 3 days ago and did not use a condom. Does alcohol harm the baby if it has not even grew yet ?? Thankyou x

Answer #1

Yes, alcohol can harm a fetus at any stage, but you can stop worrying. If you had sex 3 days ago, impantation can not have occurred yet even if an egg has been fertilized. So, no, if you do get pregnant your baby will not be harmed by alcohol you had that night.

That being said, you are too young to be having sex or drinking alcohol… or to be alone in a room with a boy unsupervised at all. The teenage years are so deceiving; it’s so sad to see children acting this way. You need to talk to your parents and ask them to explain to you how the pregnancy process works in detail. Because, if you knew enough, you would have been able to decude the answer to your own question. It is to soon to know if you are actually pregant but within a few weeks you should have your parents take you to a doctor if you miss your period.

After that, please do yourself, your parents and everyone else a favor and just enjoy being a kid while you can. Enjoy activities that are meant for kids, not those for adults. It will be in your own best insterest, believe me. One day you will understand.

I hope everything works out for you. Be a kid and have fun!

Answer #2

what that menta mean ? :/ x

Answer #3

Have fun with your Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

Answer #4

I dont know I just think im paranoid… but just incase I am I did not want to harm it. and I dont usually drink Alcohol but its a relatives party and as you do you wud have a little to drink.
x x x and ta

Answer #5

I know it harms the baby… but I dont know if it does if it has not even grew yet ?? x

Answer #6
  1. If you only had sex 3 days ago, why do you think you’re pregnant? It’s too soon for symptoms.

  2. If you’re not mature enough to take precautions, you shouldn’t be having sex.

  3. You’re 14…what are you doing drinking alcohol?

…anyway…no amount of alcohol is safe, but many women have had drinks before finding out they were pregnant with no ill effects.

Answer #7

Answered by swindler on Oct 01, 2009, 12:09PM
“Have fun with your Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.”

What she means is that alcohol can make your baby retarded when still inside you. Babies born from mothers who are on drinking binges end up with that condition (fetal alcohol syndrome). But if you’re thinking of something otherwise - well, let it not bother you. Mind the advice given here that really means to you…

Say, have you bothered to check if you’re really knocked up? Doesn’t mean that not having used a condom guarantees you getting pregnant (this I meant for fau here)

Answer #8

I fink your 2 young 2 have a kid because you don’t know that alchol can harm a baby wht ever stage it is at inside you x

Answer #9

I am not going to preach about what to do or not to do. If you are knocked up DON’T DRINK ALCOHAL.

Answer #10

I hope everything works out for you live live crazy bits to short not to sweetie and if you are just be real care good luck sweet cakes

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