Health Questions

  1. Is something wrong to cause this spotting?
  2. Whats pinkeye?
  3. How to stop the stress in my forehead?
  4. Why can't I focus my eyes in the morning?
  5. How to stop this serious period pain?
  6. Smoking and nicotine gum while pregnant
  7. How to get rid of an earache?
  8. One Year old baby found pregnant
  9. Period pain
  10. How to get help for my cutting?
  11. What's the average height for a 13-year-old?
  12. Fight while pregnant
  13. Is it normal to have a light period?
  14. Should I Try Ecstacy?
  15. How to get rid of pink eye fast?
  16. Why is my stomach harder than usual?
  17. Should I retest for pregnancy again?
  18. What does bipolar mean?
  19. Pregnant girls: Did you have cramping?
  20. How to get help for cutting?
  21. Weight range
  22. Why do I shake so much.. Is it anything to be worried about?
  23. Is there a way to delay my period?
  24. Burning sensation of the skin
  25. What's in MMR shots?
  26. Could this be a sign of Pregnancy?
  27. How to get rid of my sinus problems?
  28. Does a miscarried fetus need to be surgically removed?
  29. How to cope with a miscarriage?
  30. How can some people be vegetarians and be for abortion?
  31. C-section scar pain
  32. Why do some girls vagina smell bad?
  33. Getting sick off and on for the last 4 weeks, pregnant?
  34. Typhoid Fever
  35. How fast do you lose weight if you're bulimic?
  36. Girls, depression and hiding behind liquor
  37. Covering up cuts
  38. White spots on my vagina
  39. When can I tell if I'm pregnant?
  40. Does mono last forever?
  41. Can women take Viagra?
  42. Contraceptive injection
  43. Bad trip on shrooms
  44. How to get treated for this STD when I can't leave the house?
  45. What to do if I have an STD and can't go to a Doctor?
  46. Would I finish my period faster If I used a pad?
  47. Diabulemia information
  48. Is it bad to want to be skinny?
  49. Is this discharge normal?
  50. Do cigarettes make you gain weight?
  51. Does Malaria spread?
  52. Stabbing pain below my bellybutton
  53. How to get well by tomorrow?
  54. Am I really ready to let go of my bulimia?
  55. How long to wait before a pregnancy test?
  56. Birth control and shorter periods
  57. When you eat hot foods your period will be shorter?
  58. Can you get pregnant from cum on a guys fingers?
  59. How early can morning sickness start during pregnancy?
  60. Is my short period a sign of pregnancy?
  61. What's this purple bump on my leg?
  62. How long is a Monroe piercing swollen for?
  63. What is our average lifespan?
  64. Female whizzinator
  65. 2nd trimester with blood cough, fever and vomiting
  66. How can I unclog my ear naturally
  67. Any tricks to help ease period cramps?
  68. Feeling shaky from herbs to curb my eating
  69. How to fight the urge to throw up?
  70. Can I be pregnant if I have no symptoms?
  71. What is wrong with my period?
  72. Self inflicted head injury-possible outcomes?
  73. Why am I tired all the time?
  74. What's wrong with my body?
  75. Will you see new bedbug bites everyday if you have them?
  76. Did anyone quit smoking and how?
  77. How would I know if I have a std?
  78. How to find pictures of people having a panic attack?
  79. I think im pregnant
  80. How to make my eye feel better?
  81. Omega 3 With Fish Oil
  82. How long does Valium stay in your body?
  83. Vajay-jay
  84. Will my period cycle go back to normal?
  85. How to confirm my pregnancy?
  86. Anyone else feel like this?
  87. Should I use the Monistat 3 before seeing a doctor?
  88. Are muscle exercises for your stomache dangerous?
  89. Do I have herpes?
  90. Can my ex get my medical records from the doctor?
  91. Negative pregnancy test?
  92. Why does sperm smell?
  93. Does this discharge mean I'm pregnant or getting my period?
  94. What happens if you drink stream water?
  95. Why have I been getting headaches?!
  96. Do I have breast cancer?
  97. Would you say I'm anorexic?
  98. Genes role on chronic bronchitis
  99. Legs are weak and hurt a lot
  100. What can I do if I am being bullied about being flat chested ?