Health Questions

  1. What if I cheated and might be pregnant?
  2. How to get rid of a headache?
  3. Best way to get rid of a sore throat and a stuffy nose?
  4. Breast cancer from nipple sucking?
  5. STD somewhere besides your mouth or "private" parts?
  6. Almost 17 and wanting a baby
  7. I feel numb and confused, what's wrong with me?
  8. Natural Rubber Latex Allergy
  9. What does it mean when a guys balls drop?
  10. Why are my eyes constantly red?
  11. If my tubes are tied and no period, is it normal?
  12. Itchy nipples after working out
  13. My period came but am I still pregnant
  14. Can a toenail just disappear?
  15. Why are my nipples cracked?
  16. A cyst on my breast?
  17. Is there a way to stop my period?
  18. Frequent period
  19. Why do I get itchy when wearing tampons?
  20. Ankle or Achilles?
  21. Advice on getting pregnant?
  22. After how many months you can know if it's a boy or girl?
  23. Scars on my arm
  24. I drink coffee all the time and I just cant seem to get any energy
  25. Why sore throats?
  26. 13 and I weigh 70kg
  27. How long for a few little bruises to go away?
  28. Bronchitis while pregnant
  29. Low pressure headaches.
  30. Feeling sick and dizzy, is it birth control?
  31. How to get my family to stop judging self injury?
  32. Why do people say starving yourself is awful?
  33. Pregnant and drunk
  34. How can you tell if you're pregnant?
  35. Could I still be pregnant?
  36. Signs of an infected piercing?
  37. Skin tabs growing together near my vagina while pregnant
  38. How do I help my friend who had a miscarriage?
  39. Updates on my Mom's health
  40. How to get pregnant quick?
  41. What is hypothermia?
  42. Do you ever feel empty?
  43. Soft black stools
  44. How old do I look?
  45. Water myths and facts
  46. Ideal weight before becoming pregnant?
  47. Is it too early for a pregnancy test?
  48. Why do girl get periods?
  49. Is brown discharge normal?
  50. The Birth COntrol Shot
  51. Was this weed laced with something?
  52. Why am I always so depressed?
  53. Black stool after 3 days of being sick, should I be worried?
  54. How to get rid of a popped zit mark?
  55. What to do about my pregnancy if adoption isn't an option?
  56. One breast larger than the other
  57. How to induce my period?
  58. Is this a normal height and weight?
  59. Elbow problem?
  60. What are the early sings of pregnancy?
  61. Pink discharge after intercourse
  62. How to stop feeling anxious in class?
  63. Can a pregnancy test have a false positive?
  64. Depo birth control
  65. What is in my stomach?
  66. Do you think I can still be pregnant?
  67. Is this my mind or for real?
  68. How to stop the pain of wisdom teeth coming through?
  69. Vodka can make foam come out of your mouth while sleeping?
  70. Can cold sores spread from mouth to penis?
  71. How to clease my system for better health
  72. How long does your period come after a miscarriage?
  73. Is it better to be induced after passing due date?
  74. Why do I need the toilet so much
  75. Disease that makes you have contractions?
  76. Body temperature dropped due to flu
  77. Possible pregnancy?
  78. Herbal Supplements and Multi-Vitamins
  79. How much will braces hurt?
  80. How old to buy a pregnancy test?
  81. Am I having seizures?
  82. Anorexia - Is this dangerous?
  83. Any Good Websites
  84. Can you be an over weight anorexic?
  85. What if my armpit hair is uneven?
  86. How to pass a blood test?
  87. Fastest way to cure a hangover?
  88. What is the aveage monthly cost for a diabetic mother?
  89. My 12-year-old friend got a girl pregnant
  90. Do braces hurt when you get them on?
  91. How do I know if my arm is broken?
  92. Fixing cavities
  93. LSD and Insight ?
  94. Having strange pains, what do you think it is?
  95. Can you overbrush your teeth?
  96. What are these pimples that hurt down there?
  97. How do I know if I am pregnant ?
  98. How do I stop having nightmares?
  99. How much cough syrup is lethal?.
  100. Can I cure my myopia?