My period came but am I still pregnant

Okaii I was 6 days late with my period which usually come regularly. Okaii it finally came but im still having all these symptons. My stomache is constantly hurting, my stomache has gotten a lil big & its kind of hard, I have to pee more than usually, I have craving for sweets & stuff through the night, its hard for me to sleep beckuz im always in pain, im always so tired & weak & sleepy, and it hurts when I sleep on my stomache. Could I still be pregnant??? I need some advice please…

Answer #1

Hey im in the sme boat as you! I had my period as normal just a little bit different than usual,

Answer #2

I think you could be pregnant. I heard that “some” bleeding while pregnancy is normal but just to be safe, visit a doctor.

Take care.

Answer #3

I know you are panicing but please stop yelling.

You need to be tested. Get a home pregnancy test or see your doctor.

Answer #4

I’m going thru the same thing this month made the second monthe in a row that my period has been about a week later and this month is was a couple days shorter then normal. I’ve been eating a lot more and I’ve had headaches a lot but my stomache is still cramping alittle… would make my second pregnancy..I should know this…:)

Answer #5

yeah its possible. I was 4 days late and having symptoms and I was pregnant. good luck!

Answer #6

It is possible to be pregnant & have your periods at the same time - they’re usually just lighter & shorter than usual – In my case, I had my period for the first few months of my pregnancy & was always nervous that something was wrong but my doctor assured me it was nothing. Now this doesn’t mean that you ARE pregnant – it could be a number of things, but you should still get a home pregnancy test to be sure & if it is negative & your symptoms don’t decrease in a few days I would go check with your physician.

Answer #7

im qoinq threw the same thinq ; I’ve been havinq symptoms for weeks now my last period was a week late and heavy but short this month it was 3 days late and I wiped and had brown blood and my panty liner had liqht pink spottinq…I need help :-( im sad & confused because I don’t know whats qoinq on I took 3 hpt all neqative

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