Health Questions

  1. Is the spot on my face a growing mole?
  2. boner pain
  3. brown substance
  4. where to go for face-to-face help
  5. How expensive is plastic surgery.
  6. Prenantal vitamins
  7. help me please
  8. 14. how to get on the pill?
  9. Why am I still feeling hungry?
  10. Breathing Difficulties
  11. Worst death
  12. Height for 13 years old
  13. if you know someone who cut himself would you hate , stop / want t
  14. How long does it take for swelling from stiches to go down?
  15. Infertility
  16. Smoking while pregnant
  17. am I bipolar or is it just hormones? GAH
  18. organ failure
  19. Sprained Finger!
  21. at age 18 are you still going through puberty?
  22. No feeling in my mouth
  23. Stop period cramping?
  24. Healthy diets
  25. Could I be sick or pregnant
  26. Coffee addiction
  27. Prego
  28. how can I taike kare of my infeckted tattoos?
  29. When you get old...
  30. alcholol and monster
  31. I think I am living an unhealthy life style
  32. alcohol really bad for u?
  33. What can I do??? My life sucks...
  34. Touched sperm chance of getting pregnant
  35. Do boobs shrink from having your period?
  36. Can you wear a diaphragm on your period?
  37. Why am I so irritable?
  38. Implantation Bleeding and PT
  39. Boils? im not sure what they are
  40. Nerve damage - heat sensations
  41. My hand
  42. Pregnant, jobless and don't know what to do...
  43. Craving chocolate OR bread with butter... What can I do???
  44. Stomach growling
  45. Coffee and Pregnancy
  46. alcholol
  47. How do you fart on command?
  48. pregnancy test
  49. online pregnancy test
  50. Random Bump on leg. ?
  51. Clear Pore Cleanser / Mask
  52. missing part of life
  53. Misshapen?
  54. My earrings wont come off...
  55. One side of the nipple is hard and sensitive at all times
  56. Can you abuse muscle relaxers?
  57. How do you get over being depressed?
  58. I burned myself with flat iron!
  59. aspartame and harming u
  60. Light brown discharge, what is it?
  61. is it normal to act this way when your high off weed?
  62. Ouchie ! Sharp pains down there!!
  63. why do my boobs hurt after my period?
  64. Will my penis grow anymore?
  65. Questions about weed should be banned.
  66. Restless Leg Syndrome
  67. nose feels like sand paper?
  68. have I just had a miscarrage
  69. How soon after you get Chlamydia do you experience symptoms?
  70. How come everyone I know are getting sick?
  71. does abortion hurt?
  72. blood clots after pregnancy
  73. chuuby cheeks
  74. Has your belly button hurt for no reason before?
  75. Laxitive
  76. random
  77. Spreeding viruses
  78. Why do some people's feet smell while others don't?
  79. Do I have an over active blatter?
  80. Type One Diabetics!!!
  81. Marriage
  82. Non-stop Bleeding
  83. Tea fertility
  84. Are you prochoice or prolife?
  85. Donate Blood
  86. why do people say they got 2 go and they dam well they dot
  87. what is that gunk that comes up your throat?
  88. dangers
  89. why do I eat so much ?
  90. sick of people asking how they can become anorexic?
  91. pregnant
  92. period/birth control helppp
  93. When is my period supposed to start?
  94. Is This Pain Normal?
  95. sam-gemma
  96. Marijuana and Depression
  97. how can women tell when they have a miscarriage?
  98. social help
  99. What is the worst stage of breast cancer.
  100. getting marijuana out your system