Smoking while pregnant

DONT GIVE NEGATIVE FEEDBACK PLEASE> I found out 3 days ago that I am pregnant, probably about 4 weeks or so and I quit smoking that day. Well since then I’ve been feeling really stressed and crying because not having a cigarette is bothering me, my friend was smoking yesterday and I just started crying because I feel really stressed about this. I know it is stupid but I dont know how to handle it. Many websites have said wuitting cold turkey is bad and will put stress on you and the baby and could cause a miscarriage and they say to cut down, I only smoked about 3 a day in the first place though, Any advice??? thanks

Answer #1

No, it’s better that you quit all at once. It is proven that quitting all at once can be harmful/stressful for the baby IF you’ve been smoking for years and years and years. But, it’s really YOUR stress that would cause the baby stress. Try to find something else to concentrate on when you feel the need to have one.

This may sound weird, but my sister-in-law was able to limit the stress by a piece of paper…yes, paper. She took a plain piece of notebook paper rubbed it together (like she was hand washing a shirt) until it was as soft as cloth. She just kept the piece of paper in her pocket and pulled it out whenever she felt like she needed one. She did it with the same piece through her whole pregnancy, and by the end, she didn’t even want one anymore! It’s different for everyone, just try to find something to distract yourself.

Good luck and Congrats!! You’re doing the BEST THING for your baby! You’ll be able to get through it because you care about that little baby, I can tell just by your question!! And once you feel him/her move(8-12 more weeks!), you’ll have even more will power!

Answer #2

Ask your doctor if there is an alternative while you are pregnant that can help stop the cravings. You are going to be emotional during the pregnancy though, it’s just a known fact.

Congrats btw. I havent been on here in a while.

Answer #3

smoking is a health issue for both of you… good time to quit and have a good reason…good luck …you can do it… just remember that every time you want a cigarette…your baby will have a normal weight and no allergy issues when they grow up… and your teeth won’t be yellow and your clothes won’t stink

Answer #4

what more worth?your fag or your child,its just 9 months for a baby thats going to take care of you till death,lay it off,chew gum,it hepls me(I didnt smoke in 3 months)

Answer #5

Don’t smoke. The “stress” related to not smoking is far better for your baby than smoking.

Try a substitute like candy.

Answer #6

Thanks for the answers. I HAVE QUIT ambelssed, so dont tell me im looking for excuses to smoke. Im not stupid, I was mainly asking if I shouldve weened myself off

Answer #7

I am in the medical field and one thing that the doctors do tell the girls is that if you smoked before you got pregnant then you need to slowly take yourself off them, like if you smoked a pack try to cut yourself down to half a pack by the end of your first trimester and down to nothing by the end of your second. Because you quiting not onlyputs that stress you were talkin about on you but it also put the stress on the baby and could possibly lead to a miscarriage. I have known girls who smoked two packs before they have gotten pregnant and then proceeded to smoke throughout their pregnecey and the baby came out fine but don’t think that will happen to you it is always different for every one. What you need to do is instead of asking a bunch of strangers online is talk to your doctor about it and see what he/she thinks about it.

Answer #8

Its not good 2 smoke or be around people who smoke while pregnant it can cause a miscarrige and its not worth it do it for your baby and stay away from cigarettes and people who smoke like that you don’t feel tempted if you stressed call a family memeber or friend talk 2 them take a nice bubble bath listen to music or just take a nap or a nice walk and think of good things

Answer #9

POSITIVE FEEDBACK: Smoking is not good for the baby’s health - you’re seeking excuses to ignore.

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