Health Questions

  1. Red dot on eye
  2. Tanning bumps PLEASE ANSWER
  3. Miscarried?
  4. How can I stop losing weight?
  5. V shape thing?
  6. I've been feeling down but been covering it up
  7. Condom's EXP.
  8. Get pregnant even if I take my birth control and he pulls out?
  9. Is there any way I can see what I would look
  10. Any doctor , here ? please read
  11. Help with diagnosis!
  12. I got a pain in my chest and I cant breathe
  13. Is it ethical for a doctor to request payment up front?
  14. I dont no what to do, please help me?
  15. Can you get pregnant if..
  16. Should I take a breast pill
  17. Nervous About Braces
  18. To know abt pregnancy
  19. Does my Doctor have to tell my mom?
  20. How long does the pill take to absorb?
  21. Elastic bands in mouth
  22. Genital piercing vs nipple piercing
  23. Itches!!!
  24. Wisdom teeth removal: how to care for someone
  25. kanker sores
  26. what is implantation bleeding
  27. My teeth expanders
  28. Pocketed cell-phones kill sperm?! 0_o;; PLEASE ANSWER!!!
  29. thc to test in 24 hours
  30. breast reduction
  31. cleaning your vag...?
  32. Can I get a uti if...
  33. Question that hunt's me!!!
  34. Best way to get marijuana out of your system?
  35. Having elastic bands in your mouth (braces)
  36. Pregnancy showing?
  37. Is it possible to conceive with an unusually small uterus
  38. Is there any way to speed up the starting of your period?
  39. Ulcers in Pregnancy
  40. I can't afford abortion. Please help?
  41. is it possible that I may have lost the baby in all?.
  42. Is 14 a good age to become pregnant?
  43. what does it mean it a girl says shes spotting?
  44. Washing it off w/soap and water?
  45. I was sick for 3 days
  46. Tired all the time...
  47. drinking too much :(
  48. implanon
  49. how do you get mono
  50. Back problem 2
  51. Could it be something wrong with the baby?
  52. Is it alright for my vagina to itch during my period ?
  53. Broken or not
  54. Is it ethical for teens to become pregnant nowadays?
  55. smokers and exsmokers. need help!
  56. How much does birth control cost?
  57. how to tell my daughter about why women have periods?
  58. smoking smell
  59. Whats an A.R.N doctor or nurse
  60. I started smoking now I feel weird
  61. I started smoking and now I feel weird
  62. Splinter in my toe?
  63. best pregnacy test to get when I'm 5 days late with my period?
  64. get prego is your swimming in a pool that a guy came in ?
  65. any good ways to get rid of the stuffyness?
  66. What is this small, hard lump under my skin on top of my collar bone?
  67. THC Cleanse
  68. I feeel realllyyy dizy todayy
  69. whats the best birth control pill for acne?
  70. would like to shrink how?
  71. White stuff in belly button?
  72. Feeling Deeply Depressed
  73. Pregnancy test.
  74. My Friend Smokes and Asked Me not to Tell- What Should I Do?
  75. Teeth Problem?
  76. Can you get pregnant if you're on your period?
  77. Heavy Periods
  78. Toes pain ? What could it be ?
  79. Painfull tummy
  80. should I nap now?
  81. Sometimes I feel so tired..
  82. Stop kracking your knuckles
  83. why can't I sleep?
  84. Condoms and pullin out
  85. What are some good ways to relieve stress?
  86. Clean weed out of my system
  87. weight lose by estrogen
  88. I'm stressed, about to cry, anxious, and mad at myself... Help!
  89. Does cum really whiten your teeth
  90. I need a good erection
  91. White gooey stuff.
  92. smoking with braces
  93. Pregnancy results.
  94. 5 possible sources of support for teen parents??
  95. What are the benefits of adoption?
  96. what's paternity? how can paternity be determined?
  97. Yaz birth control
  98. How to stop your period?
  99. Have a question about pregnancy
  100. Help my friend please