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Painfull tummy
I have just had my belly started hurting on my right side near my hip What could it be?
so do you think I shoud get taken out
I got the implanon in your arm. can I have a miscarriage with the implanon in the arm?
yh I can get to a doctor tonight if I need to
Wouldn’t worry unless it continues, then see your Dr…Take care !!
I dont get period now
it aint period pains
Why is it not period pain? have you not started? Then yes it could be very easily apendix. They will probaly take them out for you.
I went to the emergency room with similar pains and they couldn’t find the problem either. Take some ibuprophen about 4 to kill the pain. This is considered the same as the doctor prescribing 800milligrams. Each is 200mg. So The reason for the pain all along I found out after months of not knowing. I quit using the contraceptive pills and the pain went away in a week. The hormone levels possibly caused a cyst. They are very common. Most go away on their own. So I did take Ibuprophen like the ER doctor told me to and it helped in the meantime until the pain went away.
Maybe it’s your contraceptive if you are using some. If the pain gets worse and worse and doesn’t go away ever then you need to see if it’s your appendix. It can rupture in 2 days so make sure its a stabbing pain that isn’t going away.
No but the chemicals and hormones coming from the arm implant can cause a cyst (one that goes away) to cause pain. If you could maybe see your obgyn about alternative contraception and the side affects caused by this. Maybe the hormones are too strong. I guess maybe you can try reading more info on the internet like webmd.com for now. An IUD I spoke of is a device that gets placed in the uterus and it vcan still allow for a pregnancy that ends up in miscarriage. I will see what other info I can find and get back to you.
Sounds like period pains. Get a hot water bottle and hold it against the area.
Yes, I’d say talk about a different method with your doctor.
Good Luck :)
I got the implanon would that effect it
the apendix is on the lower right side…if it keeps hurting or gets worse, go to a Dr
drink some tea, or some ginger ale, or if you want to get rid of the pain temporaily take some medice like tylenol or motrin
a bruise? menstrual pains? did you bang it against anything, like a shelf or anything?
It is probably period pains. If not then you could be ovulating, sometimes women get pains when the ovaries release eggs.
I might be taking a shot in the dark but is the reason why you dont get them because you are on the pill? If so then it could be an unwanted side affect and you need to see the doctor.
I’m not sure if that is Implanted type (IUD) or if you are giving me the name of a pill? If you have and IUD go see the doctor immediately. Sometimes you can have a miscarriage even with one of these on. My mom miscarried while on the IUD.
webmd.com says contact your doctor if these symptoms occur… pain/swelling/warmth in the groin/calf, tingling/weakness/numbness in the arms/legs, headaches not like normal ones.
what headaces that are all over your head and just not on your fore head? I have been gettin all of them wot does it mean then as I have been getting all theses pains?
The Implanon is not for you. It could be causing more harm than good. See a Doctor. I only posted what webmd.com says. I believe the headaches are caused by too much of one hormone.
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