General Knowledge Questions

  1. why hasn't Fedex shipped my package?
  2. Who all know of the word 'Wa7sh' or 'Wahsh'??
  3. Is living in a city really that bad?
  4. How much can an IQ tests results differ from the real IQ of people?
  5. do u know what happened on your birthday in history?
  6. Why do we hate making mistakes?
  7. whats the difference between ethnicity and race?
  8. when you were young and didnt know how to talk too good just yet how did you say certain things?
  9. What can I name my own Rube Goldberg machine that is used to open a door ??
  10. Why do guys just *love* lifting us girls up?
  11. Can you tattoo over moles, scars or even spots?
  12. How do I unlock my padlock ?
  13. Who knows if our eyes stop seeing when we close our eyes?
  14. Do you often get mistaken for another ethnicity, or race?
  15. Can someone born blind imagian seeing?
  16. Why did they change the original name for a butterfly from "Flutterby", to "Butterfly"?
  17. How many people are prepared for a natural disaster?
  18. Why do people always focus on the negative?
  19. When will people ever fully understand each other?
  20. If a person was deaf, & they had a dream wif people talking, would they be able to hear what the people in their dream are saying?
  21. What do you call a person who is over-protective and obsessed about health?
  22. What is an AB/DL?
  23. do american girls like english accents???
  24. Why don't the US use the metric system?
  25. How do you deal with being an outcast/loner?
  26. why do people abuse children/animals/girlfriends?
  27. Who and why did they hit the twin towers both in 93 and 01?
  28. Why is taking so long to build the new tower at ground zero?
  29. what is the best toothpaste that you have ever used?
  30. What if you can go back to a certain time period?
  31. What do you remember from September 11th 2001 in YOUR life?
  32. Do you guys think the 9/11 attacks will be talked about tomorrow on television?
  33. how much weight is .03 of one pound ?
  34. Why is my studded ring turning pink in some places?
  35. Should I sleep in a sleeping bag at my door or in my bed?
  36. what does FML stand for ??
  37. Why do men’s shirts have the buttons on the right, but women’s shirts have the buttons on the left?
  38. What should I do to kindly keep away from someone?
  39. Who is an ideal man in "OUR" today´s world ?
  40. can you connect dreams with someone you like?
  41. Are there any differences between cigars and cigarettes besides the taste?
  42. What does it mean when they say ''don't eat the worm''?
  43. what is one thing u can't stand about a grl?
  44. Which state do you think has the prettiest license plate?
  45. How would you handle someone with a super high ego that's super spoiled?
  46. Is there alot of contriversy with sports now a days?
  47. why do people rape,kill or steal kids teens and elders?
  48. what are some rhyming comebacks?
  49. Why isn’t Washington, D.C. in a State, or a state itself?
  50. Is it just me, or is it the more seriously you take life, the harder it becomes?
  51. Do you know what happen to my buddie Anthony?
  52. What term do you use?
  53. How come when I go to the beach or in a pool my hands get really wrinkled but no one else's do?
  54. what would happen if i was on a pedal bike and i got a seed camera to take my picture coz i was speeding ???
  55. Would you like to live in a garden for the rest of your life?
  56. do women see that types of bad dreams as male does?
  57. can you be 14 to rent a house?
  58. Are there any other websites that are like FML and Texts From Last Night?
  59. When you're surrounded by liars and cheaters, how do you trust anyone?
  60. Is it safe to hide stuff in your underwear drawer?
  61. how can some one act cool by not acting cool??
  62. How do u feel about the word Retarded?
  63. Where is silicon valley?
  64. How do you greet people on Labour day?
  65. How can you stop sucking your thumb?
  66. What is a Blue Moon?
  67. When a body is found shot in a house that is on fire...was the person dead or alive when the fire was started if there is no soot in their noses or lungs?
  68. how old is your favorite blankie,teddy bear,etc?
  69. Whats the word used for when someones writing is so messy that you cant read what it says?
  70. Does anybody know how to "jailbreak" a nerfgun?
  71. Why do people wish on 11:11 ?
  72. What's It Like Moving Miles Away And Being The New Person??
  73. What is something about yourself you wanted to improve and did you succeed?
  74. Which countries do not celebrate halloween?
  75. How do I get more involved with Halloween?
  76. how do i read without wandering in la la land ?
  77. Where do SWAT officers work when not on a call?
  78. What is a comfortable position to read in whilst lying down?
  79. where in Akron Ohio can a family find low income housing when one of the parents has a felony?
  80. How do you put someone to sleep without putting the sleeper hold on them?
  81. Does getting your helix/tragus pierced hurt more than getting your nose pierced?
  82. what can i do to calm down?..
  83. Why does my mom think im not happy?
  84. how do you get a permit for a tazer or pepper spray?
  85. what i a b!tch slap???
  86. Do you think that having a later closing time for bars will help reduce problems associated with "after-hours" patrons?
  87. How should I deal with this situation?!
  88. what my houses/ road/streets history going back to 15th century ?
  89. does anyone here do lucid dreaming, need to speak 2 some1 who does.?
  90. who thinks there using funadvice ALOT?
  91. What are some of the best DIY Halloween costumes you've ever seen on either teenagers or other young adults?
  92. How often do you and your significant other argue?
  93. why when i was five i would love to put skittles or m&ms in color groups?
  94. how come As soon as I walk into a spider web, I turn into a mental health patient?
  95. How do you deal with being short?? (5"3) :(
  96. Why is cell phone use prohibited in medical offices such as hospitals and clinics?
  97. What's the difference between Latina and Latino?
  98. Does it count as munitpulation if someone keeps asking you to do something, you do it and they never do the same thing?
  99. do u guys think that ots OK to bully ppl!?
  100. Do all americans leave your front doors open like in the movies?